

1-Minute Bible Love Notes 2018
 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Subject Archive 

4 Ingredients in Spiritual Junk Food
Vibrant, Healthy Christians Eat Right

Spiritual Hearing Aids
Is All Truth God's Truth?
4 Practical Ways to Start Your Day With the Lord

Fact: God Loves His Children
Don't Mock God

3 Mistakes Christians Make About Grace

God's Love Means He Is Always With Us!
Dangerous Definitions
God is Not Like Us

God's Love Never Fails
3 Benefits of Sacrifice
What Kind of Dead Man Are You?

God's Gracious Love
Distracted From the Truth 
8 Statements Christians Should Make Each Day 

4 Aspects of Giving God Our Burdens 
Misusing 1 Timothy 2:4 to Support Universal Salvation 

A Sign of Compromise: Christians Defending Culture 

4 Characteristics of Spoiled Christians 
Ad Hominum Disagreement - A Sign of Weak Faith 
Heavenly Promises Versus Earthly Promises 

Judging All Things With God's Word 
Half-Truths Many Christians Believe - 1-4 
Saved - Past, Present, Future
St. Patrick - Better than the Legends 

Responsibility for Our God-Given  Purposes
4 More Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (5-8)
An Incredible Prophecy of Christ's Death
Jesus Understands Your Pain

So Many God Stories in Matthew 27
What Christ's Promise to the Thief Revealed
God Forsaking God?
The Ridiculous Plan to Deny Christ's Resurrection 
Christ's 7 Final Statements

Hopeless and Helpless or Responsible?
Why Muslims Can't Believe Jesus was a Prophet
4 More Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (9-12)
Beware of Those Who Deny God's Power

Negativity Isn't Based on Circumstances
4 More Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (13-16)
13 Instructions for Dealing with Mistreatment
Who Changed the Price Tags?

Divine Guidance
Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (17-20)
How Much Can a Christian Sin?
How Can We Be Joyful in Times of Trouble?

Can a Christian Be Demon Possessed?
More Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (21-24)
Know-It-All Followers
3 Powerful Truths in the Shortest Psalm

Are You Swimming Close to the Whirlpool?

More Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (25-28)
Which Comes First: Self-Confidence or God-Confidence?
Confidently Sharing Our Fears With God

Are You a Gospelphobe?
Putting Words in God's Mouth
What About Annoying Parents?

Wise Counsel from Proverbs About Friendships
Fear of Death and Fear of Dying
8 Ways to be the Light of Christ in a Dark World 

Seasoned With Salt 
"Antique" Thoughts About Treasure 
Throne or Wooden Bench? 

You May Not Realize You're Bitter
Are We Blinking Our Lights? 
Why We Love Living Water
Prayer Language 
Better Than Any Sweepstakes 

A Fitting Description for God 
Nourishing Our Souls 
Destroying Flood 

Do You Believe God Mean What He Says? 
Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength
Expectations Mess Us Up

Why Some Sins Are "Double Sins" 
No Fear, No Faith 
I Didn't Know I Had It In Me! 

Today is the Day of Salvation 

Misquoting God
5 Elements of Our Adventure With God
Righteousness Has Never Been Popular

Changing Day by Day
How Can You Shine Today?
God's "Crazy" Solution

Let's Not Ignore Our Hypocrisy
7 Characteristics of Modern Christians
Political Anger

What Does It Mean to Forgive Ourselves?
5 Ways to Stop Consorting With the Enemy
Sanctification Is Different Than Justification 

The Seed is Not the Problem 

Rocky-Ground "Faith"
Are You Choking On Thorns?

4 Things Productive Christians 
All-You-Can-Eat Temptations
Assurance or Repentance?

Our Souls are in Conflict 
Does True Love Include Disapproval? 
Missing the Story Line

9 Things That Can Steal Your Peace
God's Escalator Ride
Jesus is Who the Bible Says He Is!

A Popular Blasphemy
An Essential Truth for New Christians
Wealth and Faith 

Why Good Christians Stink & Smell Wonderful
Don't Shrink Back!
Why It's Called Living Water

Running the Race of Faith
Our Word Matters - 26 Scriptures
When Things Don't Go as Planned

Habakkuk's Statement of Faith
When You Can't Even Pray
Scripture: 4 Facts and 4 Purposes

God is Never On Vacation
Self-Pity and Blame-Shifting
Winning a Battle But Losing the War

 Are You Beginning to Be Wise?
A Little Bit of Knowledge Can Be a Dangerous Thing
Serious, Deliberate, Wholehearted

When the Lights Go Out
Three Impossible Commands
Wretched but Saved 

Wholesome, Beneficial Words
You Can't Serve God If You Refuse 
Why Being "Crushed" is a Good Thing

Are You Christ's Love Letter?
Christ Followers Follow. Do You? 

Right Is Right

3 Requirements for Discernment
The Lifestyle of a False Teacher


How False Teachers Help Us

Magnify the Lord With Me
Backdoor Miracles  
Christ's Effulgence
Don't Forget Your Glasses
Should You Report a Crime?

Never Popular, Always Wonderful
God's View of Homosexuality
Do You Have a Happiness Diary?

Refusing Correction

Pray Continually....How? 
Checking the Source 
We Have No One to Blame But Ourselves 


6 Choices that Kill Family Relationships 
We Need More than Earplugs
Is Repetitive Prayer a Sin?

Does He Only See Jesus? 
When Holidays Bring Sadness
The Right Way to Check Out Christian Teachers

Why Evolution Doesn't Cut it with Christians
What Can We Learn from Betrayal?
The High Rock 

You Have to Taste it to Love it! 
Bad Comforters and Good Comforters

What New Thing Can You Do?

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