
2012 Devotions

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Remember--remembering all that God has done for us
If You Can't Say Anything Nice--what we say begins in our thoughts
A Good Complain--the dangers of complaining
8 Reasons to Journal
Failed Again--how to handle your failures
Most Famous Mystery Writer--being comfortable with mystery
Jesus Syncopated--Noticing the subtle things in our lives

Will You Dance--letting God lift you from "death"
Killdeer Love--seeing God in creation
Unanswered Prayer--when God says "no"
One Size Doesn't Fit All--God enjoys variety, races, colors
Self Sacrifice--how to be a giver, not a taker

Music Appreciation--God finely tuned us to be moved by music
Caffeine-free or Extra Espresso--God is fluent in every language
Ease or Endurance--how we view the Christian life
God is an Equal Opportunity Employer--God values faithfulness

Made for Touch--God designed us for touch and companionship
Just Another Day in Paradise--overlooking inconvenience
Opportunities With Thorns--looking at problems with the right attitude
No Regrets--the importance of genuine repentance
Every Day--God calls us to honor moms everyday

Pinterest Interest--using Pinterest for God
Validity--sources you can trust
Why Do Peaches Have Hair?--God questions
Rising Sun--symbolism in the Son and the sun 
Be One To Have One--importance of friendship

Eat, Rest, Cry--God's plan for overcoming depression 
Does God Hold His Nose--outward appearances don't reveal hearts
Always Witnessing--we witness by the way we treat others
I'm Better Than You--self-righteous words
5 Steps to Avoid Depressing Prayer


Thank God for the Taco--using God's name when it matters
Drugged and Robbed--the tactics of Satan
The Essential Ingredient  
He Was My Angel—tribute to a good father

What Can We Do About Bad TV?
Loving Jesus No Strings Attached
Takers and Givers—growing up in our relationship with our parents
An Essential Ingredient--adding love to all we do 

Didn't Know I Had It In Me--depending on God's strength
Cleaning Bathrooms with Jesus--everything can be done for the Lord
Aware of Thieves--being alert to bad influences in our lives

A Saint's Life--the faith of Steve Saint
5 Theories of Life After Death
One More Trip--bearing fruit in old age


Self-Defense--apologizing the right way
America the Prude--thanking God for good qualities still left in America
Love Without Obedience Isn't Love--loving God means obeying Him

Worth an Arm or Leg--the value of God's Word
Well Hidden--hiding God's Word in our heart
Things Mysterious--trusting God when we can't understand
No Shades of Grey--It's Black & White--avoiding ungodly influences 

Nothing Magically Exploded-the absurdity of evolution
He Lifts My Head--discouragement and God

Let's Party--God loves to celebrate
Even an Angel--the differences between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity
My Mom's Perfume--bearing the fragrance of Christ
Advising God--our tendency to tell God what to do
Pride--the types of pride that tempt us at every age

Innocent--our tendency to excuse our sins
Choices--some choices matter more than others

God Wants to Speak--God is not limited by Bible methods, translations, or intellect
Leave Different--God accepts us as we are but expects us to change
Deception--we must do what we believe or we become deceived 

Dwelling--a method for letting God's Word dwell in us richly
The Spirit Knows--when we're down, our spirit still hopes in God
Tsunamis--disasters make us think about God
Embracing the Vine--Active submission to Christ

Tell Yourself the Truth--believing God, not yourself
Weird Comments--evangelizing naturally
Why We Say "Amen"--what it means
Livin in DisneyLand--understanding our blessings

Random Death--are random deaths God's punishment?
Joe's Secret--how Joseph kept his faith
Bad People Know Little About Badness--temptation
Are You Hungry--spiritual nourishment

Why Are You So Far Away, Lord?--when we feel like the Psalmist
If Only God Were Easy--when we can't understand
Crack Vials--life isn't "fair" but God is
Keep on Keepin On--a lesson from the life of Joseph
Everything We Do--God cares about big and little things in our daily lives

Worth the Mess--God allows us to mess up
Aliens--being a stranger in the world, on our way to heaven
Flat Earth--Christians slandered by misinformation

Coke Evolved From a Rock--the "wisdom" of evolution
Dusty Mirrors--why God speaks to some more than others
Shout--overcoming negative thoughts
I'm Not Crazy Enough--the Gospel goes against our sinful nature
Haunted--how violence and immorality affect us

Hurry Up--God always has time
Wisdom & Stupidity--the purpose of Proverbs
Flip It--Changing our attitudes
When Nothing Comforts--Overcoming hopelessness

Go to the Source--God is the God of All Comfort
My Name is Inigo Montoya--TV influences our hearts
Same Old Lies--Satan uses the same tricks 
Piece 'a Cake--Trials build perseverance
Even Paul Despaired--Despair is part of life 

No Weapon --God moves in history
Baby Muscles--Growing up in Christ
Athletic Gear-- Getting Rid of hindrances to our Spiritual growth

Cheap Grace--Sacrificing for the Gospel
I'm Too Busy--Priorities
Joy Produces Energy
Screamers--spoiled by our blessings 
Hindu Karma--what the Bible says

I Quit --choosing to obey instead of quit
Insignificance--serving Christ isn't always glamorous
What's Your Job Description? Each Christian has meaningful ministry
Who's Worthy? understanding Grace 
God's Heart or Mine?--caring about things God cares about 

Temptation, You Have Met Your Match--overcoming temptation
Clay or Gold--Repentance & God's ability to use us
He Heals and He Feels--Christ's ability to feel our pain
Hard Things--God gives us the strength to do hard things
Continuing Education--growing in Christ

Heart Time--Renaming Q.T.
quiet TIME--realizing there's not just one time for a good Q.T.
Rigid Time--Making your Q.T. less rigid
Quiet Time Guilt--quit beating yourself up
Spice it Up--Adding freshness and discipline to your Q.T.

Man on Fire--the consequences of sin
Wheelchair Miracle--Joni's Faith from her Wheelchair
He's Scared for You--God's concern for us
I Voted--making Christ Lord
I Owe--being thankful for people's sacrifices

Known But to God--no act of goodness goes unnoticed by God
Count On It!--we can trust God's Word

It's Not Easy Being Green--Mother Earth or mother?
Tear Bottles--God's deep concern

3 Steps to Success--rejoice, pray, give thanks
Gratitude Attitude--being grateful is healthy
Talkin' Turkey--witnessing different ways
Let's Take Back Thanksgiving--focusing on God
Bad or Good Friday--Black Friday & Good Friday

Narrow Road Scenery--living like a Christian
God is Not Pass/Fail--trying even when we fail
3 Motivations--why we serve God
DeClutter & Refresh--Keeping our souls uncluttered

Prayer Helps--ways to pray more effectively
Rock, Paper, Scissors--trying to make godly decisions
Unbeaten--God's Word outlives its critics
Written on Baby Hearts--proof for Romans 2:14-15
Shopping Compromise--how "holding" things leads to problems

Gung-Ho Evangelism--natural ways of sharing Christ
Read the Label--be careful of the influences in our lives
4 Puzzle Pieces--God's time table
He is, We Aren't--life is about God, not us
Spiritual Spam--"junk food" teaching

Oh, Really? the inconsistancy of reincarnation
Guess I'm Growing Up--understanding what makes a "perfect" holiday

Christmas Urgency--what's important during the holidays

Respecting Our Differences--Romans 14 and our different views of Christmas
Off Line--caring more about people than technology
Scripture Harmony--does Scripture contradict?
Sweet Lemons--God uses even sour things for our good
Transformers--God changes us!

Guest Posts 2012:

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