The Value God Places on Human Life

These devotions discuss various the biblical view of unborn life.

Below are Bible Love Notes devotions that discuss God's view of unborn children from various perspectives. If you have any doubts about whether abortion is wrong, I encourage you to read all of these posts carefully and prayerfully. This collection can also be a great tool for a small group discussion and Bible study. There is so much false information going around about unborn life, and Christians must prepare themselves with a clear biblical understanding of these issues.

Abortion sounds so clinical, but it's a sin that victimizes both baby and mother. This short devotion explains.

What Scripture Says About Abortion

Even though the word "abortion" is not found in Scripture, it is clearly addressed. God is not silent or vague when it comes to this important subject. 

Walking, Standing, and Finally Sitting

Psalm 1 talks about the power of evil in our lives and how we can stand firm. This short devotion uses a fitting analogy to point out the reality of abortion.

Would you have supported slavery if you'd lived when it was legal? I hope not! But you can be sure of this: if you justify abortion, you would have justified slavery. If you don't agree, I challenge you to read this full devotion carefully and prayerfully. 

Pro-abortion advocates call themselves "pro-choice," but this short devotion explains the way they manipulate situations, not to offer women choices but to support their manipulative ideologies. 

This 1-minute devotion describes the serious sin of abortion, offering prayer for mothers and fathers who need God's forgiveness.

This 1-minute devotion talks about an example of humor based on ungodly practices, things which grieve the heart of God.

The death of Judge Ginsburg reminds us to consider what things characterize our lives. This devotion looks at Ginsburg's accomplishments in light of Scripture.

This devotion is a review of a podcast put out by Phil Visher's ministry. Phil is the creator of Veggie Tales, but his advice in this video is no laughing matter. 

When people argue against the truth, they come up with some strange arguments. The latest pro-abortion argument is both insulting to adopted children and ridiculous. 

You can detect a false teaching when it is based on a single Old Testament law that is taken out of context and misquoted. This false teaching claims that Exodus 21:22 is God's way of telling us that abortion is no big deal.

Beware of the deceptive rhetoric used by pro-abortion activists. Realize how much it resembles rhetoric supporting slavery.

Beware of the "scare tactics" Satan uses to advance his ungodly goals. This 1-minute devotion explains.  

At age 71, I want to thank my momma for life and LIFE. Please take a moment and let me explain in this short devotion. 

Some wonderful truths about God's love for us before we even saw the light of day. 

This short devotion addresses one of many ridiculous excuses for allowing abortion. Sadly, it's an excuse sometimes used by Christians.

It's so important to understand that culture approves things that are ungodly and destructive.

Romans 1:16-32 talks about the increase in wickedness and tells us something about the unsaved world. This 1-minute devotion explains.

We must graciously and firmly correct these two excuses about abortion.

Beware of Satan's popular lies. This 1-minute devotion offers four pertinent examples, including one about abortion.

Each person makes this choice and it's a life-changing decision. In fact, it's a life-and-death decision.

This short devotion starts with the fact that doctors once thought there was no reason to wash their hands when examining multiple patients, and it shares other areas where majority opinion is deadly.

A foster-care worker explained to me why it was important to have unrestricted abortion, and what he actually did was prove that abortion only made problems worse.

This 1-minute devotion explains some facts that should put every Christian on our knees praying that God will forgive our nation and restore us to humane treatment of all people.

This devotion offers 5 ridiculous excuses Christians use to justify abortion or remain silent about it. 


Psalms and Proverbs contain important passages about abortion, and you'll find some of those referenced in the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for LifeTo find out where you can order it in the UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and the Philippines, see It's Not for the Money.

You can also add some more of God's Word to your schedule by having a 1-minute devotion like this one delivered to your email each weekday. Sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet. Find out more HERE.

These devotions discuss various the biblical view of unborn life.


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