© Permission

The devotions and images on this site are the property of Gail Burton Purath unless otherwise noted. You are encouraged to share the devotions on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and other social media as long as they are linked directly to Bible Love Notes. The easiest way to do this is to use the small icons below each devotion.

If you wish to use any of the devotions or images for any other use, you will need specific written permission from me. Some images have permission requirements that I cannot transfer, so I need to evaluate requests on a case by case basis. Email me at gail@BibleLoveNotes.com to explain how you would like to use it and I will get back to you. 

Thanks, Gail


  1. Gail - I love your devotions. I have been using them in our monthly church newsletter for about 5 months, and have always given you credit. I didn't realize until now that I was suppose to get permission to use them. I have included "copyright Gail Burton Purath, 2012" on each one, but will add the date of the devotion and the URL.
    Just this week in church someone asked me if I was the one who put those devotions in our monthly newsletter, and I responded that I do indeed print them from your on-line Bible Love Notes. She said they were very good and she appreciated reading them.
    I often find they are so timely to events happening in my life and appreciate being able to read and pray about them each day. Thank you for all you do.

    1. I'm always glad to hear that things I write are encouraging others, and I appreciate you asking permission and including the copyright you are already using and adding the url.
      Bless you

  2. Hi Gail, we'd like to use some of your writings at GraceCentered.com if you'd be willing. Would you please email me at lee >at< gracecentered.com? Blessings!

  3. Hi Gail~ May I please use some of your devotions at my church as I encourage families to spend time with The Lord? I'm creating a series of emails and love your insights.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Betsy. Yes, I'm glad to give you permission to use Bible Love Notes for the non-profit purpose you describe as long as you include the copyright and the link to Bible Love Notes. But I would also enjoy hearing which devotions you decide to use. It's helpful for me to know which are most relevant to people. Thanks, Gail

    2. I just included my email address in the information above for your convenience. Thanks!

  4. Dear Gail, I am new to the 1-Minute Bible Love Notes. They are great for me. I sometimes have short attention span due to having brain surgery in 1990 for Epilepsy that cured my seizures - I had 5-20/day at the time of the surgery - I was 21. They took 1/4 of my brain while I was awake. Despite the seizures stopping and God curing it through surgery, I am left with 38 medical issues, including 8 mental health issues. Sometimes with all the anxiety from the surgery, and Complex PTSD (I'm a survivor of almost 20 sexual assaults) all I can handle is a few minutes here and there. I read the Psalms a lot. I'd like to use some of your Devotions, especially if they are about healing, salvation, overcoming in the world for some blogs I use as well as Bible studies I write for a site called Christians In Recovery. My email address is sheri1969@gmail.com God bless you for this terrific ministry :) Sheri

  5. I'm attending a CEW (Christian Experience Weekend) soon and would like to include a portion of your devotion on how the Bible is like Dark Chocolate in a card that will be given to all of the candidates attending the event. diane.vallentine@hotmail.com

  6. I just found your "One Minute Bible Love Notes" from Pinterest and I love them!!! I would love to share them at Sunday School (I teach young ladies and teens) and I'd also like to share them with my Christian friends on facebook. I will always include your link back to your site.

  7. Just came across your site and really like it. I'd like to use the love note about complaining in our women's ministry newsletter and get permission for possibly using more "love notes" in the future. Of course will include your link and copyright info.

  8. I would like to use some of your posting on my google + and Pinterest with the assurance of it linking back to your site if possible and its copyright properties

  9. I am an editor - forgive me but proofing comes with the territory - your permissions statement spells the wrong kind of "sight." You mean "site. '

    I shared the message," God loves us!! "just now on Facebook and Pinterest, and I've enjoyed many-a-minute with you in the past.... Be blessed, Gail, even as you are a blessing!!!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Even though I know that's the correct use for "site," I often overlook errors. I always appreciate people telling me about typos and mistakes. Wish I could afford an editor : )

      And I'm glad that you enjoyed the "God Loves Us" devotion. Thank you for sharing it on Facebook and Pinterest. When people share on social networks, as long as they link to this "site" they need no permission. But thank you for stopping by.

      God bless you,
      Gail : )

  10. Hi Gail, I recently came upon your site via Pinterest, and enjoy your daily devotionals. They have been an inspiration to me and would love to be able to have a link or be able to share your site with my friends on Facebook. I have a few non-christian friends that always look for support and if your words can inspire them to have faith in our Lord, it would open the doors of heaven! Thank you for your inspiration, and sharing them, may God bless you and continue to work through you!

    1. Hi Mary,
      I apologize for my late reply. I am in Budapest, traveling and doing ministry and am behind on my comments.
      I have a page on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/biblelovenotes and it's easy to share the quotes, images and links directly from that page. But you can also copy the url and share the link directly on your page.
      Thank you for your kind encouragement.
      God bless you,

  11. Hello Gail!
    I have been using your devotions as the beginning of my day for several months. They are AWESOME! Would it be alright to use them as a basis for my teen Sunday School class? I say "basis" because the teens always want to discuss things and add comments of their own. Plus I will want to elaborate on how they can apply this to their everyday lives.
    I am more than willing to give you full credit for your work, as well as including your URL and routes to your face book and other accounts. I just NEED something to make the Bible REAL to these young ones!
    Thanks ....I will be looking for your answer.

    1. Thank you so much for the kind encouragement about Bible Love Notes. I'm glad you've found them helpful and would like to use them with your teen group.

      If you are printing hand-outs, please include "used with permission, copyright Gail Burton Purath, BibleLoveNotes.com."

      If you are sending copies via email, I ask that you create a link to the specific devotion on Bible Love Note's site.

      And, for my personal records, please email me at gail.purath @yahoo.com and tell me which devotions you are using and how many copies you will be making.

      Thank you and God bless your work,

  12. Hi, Gail!
    I was looking for a sweet end-of-year gift to make for the ladies in my Bible study. I just LOVE your poem, "A Woman of the Word." I am wondering if it would be alright to include these beautiful words on a card or bookmark. From what I see above, it would mean I'd also need to include your name and website. I'd be happy to send you a 'finished copy' if you'd like one, too!

    Either way, thanks for following God's design for your life. He uses you to bless us and point us to Him!

    1. Hi Trina,
      I'm pleased that you like the poem, and I give you permission to use it for this purpose. And I would love to have one sent to me. What a sweet offer.
      If you write me at gail.purath @ yahoo.com, I will give you my street address.
      God Bless you,

  13. Thank you! E-mail sent!

  14. Good morning--and thank you! I have enjoyed your blog for a while now but am just now getting ready to let you know. Yeah, I'm a slacker!

    I would like permission, please, to repost some and/or all of your notes. I write a blog too (Wandering Through The Bible) on Facebook and often like to supplement it with sayings, quotes, and things that add to the thought of the day. Of course, credit would be given properly to you!

    I love it when "all things work together" and hope you will agree to partnering with me as we both seek to spread encouragement to God's people. Thanks so much for all you do!

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      You are free to share any of the posts on 1-Minute Bible Love Notes thought the normal methods on FB, Twitter, or Pinterest as long as you link them appropriately. 1-Minutee Bible Love Note's has a FB page and a Pinterest account and I love having things shared.
      If you want to share things in some other way, please get in touch with me via my email (gail.purath @ yahoo . com)

  15. PLEASE. Can you add "Blogger" to the ways we can share your posts. I would like to have them on my blog after I read them. Thank you

    1. Hi Mr. M,
      Could you please contact me via the email in the copyright post above and explain more fully how you'd like to use my devotions.
      Thank you,

  16. Gail,
    I am curious where you get the images for your publications? I noticed a picture of my friend's daughter as one of your devotional images and wondered if we had mutual friends or if it was a purchased stock photo?

    1. Hi Sunnie,
      I get all of my images from sites that allow free use for non-commercial use. There are quite a few sites. If you tell me the exact photo, I may be able to identify which site. The only personal photos of children I've used are of my grandchildren - perhaps you know my daughter :)

  17. I was trying to share the Blame Game post from your site. I clicked on the FB icon to share but FB says it can't be posted due to some security issue? Tried another just to see if it was the one lesson but same message popped up. mhargis@juno.com

    1. I'm sorry, Maridee. I'm not sure what the problem is. I will try to figure it out. I am currently in Hungary, and it often does strange things with my access, but I've never had someone report that their access to Bible Love Notes was hindered. I will look in to it. Thanks for letting me know.

  18. Hi Gail! I love your daily 1 minute Bible notes. They speak Biblical truth without sugarcoating but still so gentle and giving grace. I have a question. I have a desire to write articles and hopefully a book one day. I am really struggling with getting started because it seems when I find a passionate topic, it has already been written about many times before. I don't want to "plagiarize" of course and I also feel discouraged as if asking 'why would anyone want to read what I have to say when it was already so well written about?' Do you ever struggle with this? Has the journey gotten easier for you? Thanks for any helpful tips! God Bless you and your family for your faithfulness and Biblical truth.

    1. Hi Lindsay,
      Thank you for the kind compliments. I'm so glad you enjoy Bible Love Notes.

      If God is directing you to write and someday publish a book, I know it will come to pass.

      For me, writing has been a long process. I can see ways that God was preparing me, even as a child, but I spent most of my life involved in other ministry - motherhood, teaching lady's Bible studies, giving seminars, overseas Christian work, etc. It wasn't until I was 60 years old and going through a huge trial in my life that God guided me to start writing a blog. I say all that because I believe God will guide you on your personal journey as well.

      About the plagiarism, We do have to be careful not to read something and simply rewrite it, but there aren't really "new" things to share in regard to Christianity. God's people have been writing, teaching, and sharing God's Truths for centuries.

      My devotion ideas usually come from things happening in my life and things I am studying during my quiet time. If I use a Christian biography or article as a resource, I include that source in a footnote or link.

      We each have our own "voice" in writing, and I believe God will help you find your voice.

      I'm not sure if any of this is helpful, but I'm praying God will guide you so you can walk in all of those things which God prepared for you to do (Ephesians 2:10).


    2. Thank you for your sweet reply and taking the time to share some of your journey. It is helpful to read this and see where I can go and that it doesn't have to happen right now in my timing, but on God's timing. Thank you most for the prayers!!

  19. Gail, I would permission to use your poem " A Woman of the Word" to put a copy in journals that I'm giving away on Facebook to my friends. I have about 150 women that want a journal from me with a scripture plan and I love the words to this poem and wanted to include it in their journal if I have your permission.
    Thanks, Michelle Tanner

    1. Michelle, Can you contact me at my email gail.purath @ yahoo.com
      I'm unable to reply directly to these comments. Thanks.

  20. Hi Gail,

    I've tried to find a way to contact you like you asked about the pin/pinterest board, but I haven't seen a contact for you. I wasn't aware that I was even on the board you deleted me from, so I'm curious what pin it was that you said was the "ad." I've done some pinning this month but haven't pinned anything to a Bible Notes board that I can remember.

    1. Hi Kelly, you can use the email listed above to contact me directly and then I can write you back via email gail.purath @ yahoo.com

  21. Dear Gail,

    I absolutely stumbled on this and am so glad I did. I work for a non-profit hospice and we have a short devotion every morning before our team meeting. I would like to just verbally share some of these to my team. I will of course share with them the website and you as the author. Is that okay? God bless you for these little gold nuggets. Hugs, Sherry Robinson

    1. Dear Sherry,
      It blesses me to know that you would want to share some of my devotions and I am glad to give you permission to do that.
      You don't actually need permission unless you print them.
      May God bless your work with hospice.

  22. Hi Gail! I wrote a comment on another page requesting permission to use some of your Bible Love Notes. I just found this page and realized I better make my request here.

    I am teaching Bible classes at the Phoenix Rescue Mission in Arizona. I love how your Bible Love Notes are structured, as well as the scriptural cross references. I would like to use some of your Bible Love Notes subjects and develop them into an hour long study. I also want to promote you to the women and encourage them to get their daily Bible Love Note from you directly. Will it be ok to use your outline or structure for a longer study at the Mission? Thank you for all you do for the body of Christ! You are such a blessing!

    1. Hi Diane,

      What a great ministry you are doing. May God richly bless it.

      Please write my email about specifics (i.e. how you will be using the materials). I usually give full permission for Bible studies, church bulletins, and hand-outs for retreats, but I keep records of these uses. So please write at gail.purath @yahoo.com or BibleLoveNotes@netzero.com and I will answer you specifically. Thanks!

  23. Hello,
    I am teaching an hour long study at a women’s retreat. I found your “To Do List” image for drawing closer to God on Pinterest. I had to search for your site as the link from Pinterest didn’t take me directly here. I am asking to be able to share verbally the To Do List in my teaching and reference you Gail Burton Purath and your blogspot, Biblelovenotes.com as the source.

    Thank you- Rebecca

    1. Dear Becky, I'm sorry but my comments didn't publish correctly for several months.

      I hope you contacted meat the email I've given.
      God bless you.

  24. Hello Gail, Do you ever give permission for someone to read your material over a shortwave radio Christian outreach if I acknowledge that it is your work I'm reading and where they can find it on the internet?
    Bonita Hardy

  25. hello, can I use your devotions to be read and shared with family and friends who don't like to or can't read? will be sure to make reference of your page.

    1. Dear Unknown,
      While I appreciate you explaining to your family where you are getting the devotions, you are free to share anything with your family without special permission. The only time you need permission is if you are running off copies or distributing them via email to groups of people besides your family members.

      God bless you.

  26. I need to receive this writtings please
