Foolish Excuses

When people argue against truth, they use foolish arguments. This anti-adoption argument is one of them.

When people argue against truth, they use foolish arguments.

The newest argument of the pro-abortion movement is this:

"Adoption is more painful for the woman than abortion."

Childless couples are waiting in line to adopt children. Because pro-abortion groups can't deny the fact that most aborted babies could be raised in loving homes, they've made up a foolish argument against it.

They explain that a woman has less emotional pain when she kills her child than when she carries that baby to birth and gives it away.

Imagine how many murders could be justified based on this type of reasoning. Wouldn't a man have less emotional pain if he killed his wife instead of going through a painful divorce?

Pro-abortion advocates continue this line of foolishness by saying that it's harder for the woman because she bonds with the infant, making it harder to give the child away.

They don't realize that this argument is pro-life. The mother who carries her child is more apt to come to the revelation that it is a human child she is carrying. With that information, she will make a more humane choice. Perhaps she will find a way to raise the child herself. If not, she will have less regret letting that child be raised by loving adoptive parents than she would have killing it. Just because something is easier doesn't mean it's right.

Pro-abortion groups would rather not address the huge number of women who suffer the scars of their abortion their entire lives. Many pro-abortion groups deny the existence of Post abortion syndrome because it defeats so many of their arguments.

But the bottom line is this: one person's inconvenience or emotional discomfort never justifies killing another innocent human being.

It's foolish arguments like this that have left a trail of dead babies and damaged mothers. It's a blood guilt that has damaged our entire culture (Psalm 106:37-38). 

We must not accept abortion (James 4:17). We must believe our Creator and stand firmly against it, speaking up for those innocent babies who cannot speak up for themselves (Proverbs 31:8; 1 Corinthians 16:13).

Additional Resources: Abortion Victims and Sophisticated Child Sacrifice and From Veggie Tales to Situational Ethics.

When people argue against truth, they use foolish arguments. This anti-adoption argument is one of them.


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