The Two Women in Proverbs 9

Proverbs 9 uses figurative language to describe a choice every person on earth must make.

Proverbs 9 personifies wisdom and folly, presenting them as women seeking followers, calling out to people to come to their houses and become their students. This proverb uses figurative language to describe the most important choice we make in life.

God speaks to us in countless ways, drawing us toward His wisdom, love, and salvation (Romans 1:20). He helps us understand what it means to live godly lives, avoiding sinful damage to our hearts. He cherishes those who seek Him and follow Him. 

In contrast, Satan speaks in clever ways (Ephesians 6:11), using false teachers to make his lies seem attractive and righteous (2 Corinthians 11:14-15), blinding his victims to truth so they'll destroy their lives with unbelief and spend eternity in Hell (2 Corinthians 4:4).

In the middle of these descriptions of wisdom and folly, we find one of the most well-known verses in Proverbs: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (verse 10).

Following Christ means understanding the blessing of forgiveness and the comfort of salvation. It means denying sinful desires, opposing cultural lies, and doing things that may make our lives harder here on earth, knowing that an eternity of love and joy awaits us in heaven (John 15:18-25). 

Sadly, most people will choose the broad road of Satan, failing to realize that the fleeting pleasures he offers are eternal poison to their souls (Matthew 7:13-14). 

Let’s never forget the importance of sharing Christ!  


Check our Wisdom for Life!
If you own Wisdom for Life, Day 5 gives you a good explanation of figurative language in Scripture.
If you don't own Wisdom for Life, there are some great sales on on LifewayAmazon, and CBD.

Proverbs 9 uses figurative language to describe a choice every person on earth must make.

Proverbs 9 uses figurative language to describe a choice every person on earth must make.


The Great Challenges and Great Faith of Ruth

You may not have seen these elements of Ruth's story. Read them and see how they speak to your situations in life.

Imagine you are the person in this true story found in Ruth 1-4

You're young and widowed.

You can return to your family and the familiarity of your childhood.

Or you can go to your mother-in-law's hometown where you'll be a stranger and a foreigner. And some people will be prejudiced against you because of your ethnic background.*

Your mother-in-law strongly urges you to stay with your family and return to your pagan gods.
But you vow to never abandon her or the true and living God.

When you arrive in her hometown, she complains bitterly to everyone, saying nothing about your love and sacrifices for her. 
Nevertheless, you immediately start looking for a way to support her, and you take on humble, back-breaking work in the hot sun. When she recommends that you marry an older man whom you don't know, you agree. 

It's so easy to read Bible stories and forget they record events in the lives of real people like you and me. Ruth had human feelings, questions, and challenges. But she is an example of faith, humility, and forbearance—an example of Christ's sacrificial love for us (Philippians 2:1-11).

"Whoever loses their life" for Christ's sake will find it and "those who humble themselves will be exalted" (Matthew 16:25; Matthew 23:12).

God rewarded Ruth, inspiring an Old Testament book about her life and placing her in the bloodline of Christ (Matthew 1)!

How does Ruth's humble faith speak to you and your circumstances?

Consider using Ruth's life as a subject for your small group Bible study using these materials:

The Ruth Series: 

Or you can take a quick look at the story of Ruth by doing this Bite Size Bible Study: 5 Important Truths from the Life of Ruth

* Why was there prejudice toward Ruth? To better understand the reasons for this prejudice, read Deuteronomy 23:3-4 and see the fuller explanation in the Bite Size Bible Study 5 Important Truths from Ruth's Life. The Bite Size study also explains why the godly Boaz would marry a Moabite.

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for Life. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. Find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first four devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" on Lifeway or Amazon.
I also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet. Find out more HERE.

You may not have seen these elements of Ruth's story. Read them and see how they speak to your situations in life.

You may not have seen these elements of Ruth's story. Read them and see how they speak to your situations in life.


Blind Justice or Blinded Justice?

Do you know the meaning of "Blind Justice"? It originally meant something good...not any more.

Statues depicting justice often feature a blindfolded woman. The blindfold depicts “blind justice”—judging impartially and fairly, not by appearance, position, race, or background. 

However, in our modern world, those representing justice are often blind in another way, blind to biblical truth. 

Instead of protecting innocent people from murder, they support the child sacrifice of abortion. Instead of giving Christians the freedom to live according to Scripture, they force LGBTQ propaganda on businesses and schools. Instead of showing impartiality, they protect worldly philosophies while censoring God’s truth. 

Roe v. Wade was an excellent example of the Supreme Court’s blindness to truth. And when they corrected their evil decision, it angered spiritually-blind people. 

Lest we think there aren't very many spiritually blind people, we should read 2 Corinthians 4:4:

“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”  

Ephesians 2:1-2 explains that unsaved people are “obeying the devil—the commander of the powers in the unseen world. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God.” 

People don’t need to be involved in Satan worship to be under Satan’s power. 

“Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 

Let’s stand firm, dear Christians, with eyes reflecting the light of truth (Matthew 6:22). 


Note: Some believe the term blind justice was originally used negatively to mean blind to injustice, but it eventually became a positive term depicting fairness.

Do you know the meaning of "Blind Justice"? It originally meant something good...not any more.


Cleaning Bathrooms

f you consider some tasks "meaningless," I encourage you to read this 1-minute devotion.

Cleaning bathrooms is my least favorite chore. It’s thankless and meaningless. Or is it? 

We can definitely waste our time on empty, worldly activities. But when we are doing something useful, it's never a waste of time if we do it with the right attitude. 

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24

If we do our tasks for God and with God, whatever we do can be meaningful, whether helping the needy, changing a baby's diaper, writing a Bible study, working in an office, leading people to the Lord…or cleaning bathrooms. 

In fact, we can make menial tasks more important by reciting Scripture, praying, and singing songs of praise while doing them. The Amplified Version of this passage offers some additional insights:

“Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is, put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord and not for men, knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your [greatest] reward. It is the Lord Christ whom you [actually] serve.

Consider this important truth throughout your day, and ask God to give you a keen awareness of His presence and purpose in everything you do today.


You'll also enjoy Insights from My Laundry Room, written by my friend Amy.
If you consider some tasks "meaningless," I encourage you to read this 1-minute devotion.

Picture to the right: The truths in this devotion really hit home thirty years ago when I was with a group of Christians who volunteered to clean “squatty-potties” in preparation for a Christian conference at a former Communist youth camp in Bulgaria.

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. To find out more see 10 Reasons You'll Love Wisdom for LifeI also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet offering quiet time encouragement. Find out more HERE.

f you consider some tasks "meaningless," I encourage you to read this 1-minute devotion.

f you consider some tasks "meaningless," I encourage you to read this 1-minute devotion.


A Different Kind of Adultery

Adultery is a serious sin and Spiritual adultery is a deadly sin. This devotion explains.

The first few chapters of Proverbs emphasize adultery (Proverbs 2:16-196:20-35; 5; 7). These are wise warnings because a
dultery is a life-altering step into evil, ruining marriages and damaging lives.

The ways Proverbs tells us to avoid sexual adultery also apply to what we could call “spiritual adultery.” We can be completely faithful in our marriages but be unfaithful to our commitment to Christ.

Proverbs 2-7 emphasize the importance of focusing on godly wisdom to avoid the “persuasive words” and “smooth talk” that draw people into sexual unfaithfulness. This emphasis on wisdom is also important in preventing spiritual unfaithfulness to Christ. 

When we commit our lives to Christ, we maintain that commitment and grow more faithful by reading and studying God's Word, dwelling on it, and “hiding” it in our hearts. Then we can easily recognize and reject the persuasive words and smooth talk of false teachers and worldly temptations (Colossians 2:8).  

Why not take some time this week to read through these warnings against “adulterous faith”: Ephesians 5:61 Timothy 6:20-212 Corinthians 11:3-41 John 4:12 Peter 2:1-3Romans 16:17-18 

The world and Satan are always ready to lead us down adulterous paths. God's Word, prayer, and godly fellowship prevent us from taking them.


Did you have a chance to read Coming in 2026: Half-Truths that Many Christians Believe? If you would like to be in my prayer group for this book, email me at Later this week I will send out my first weekly prayer request with some sneak peeks of the book content.

Adultery is a serious sin and Spiritual adultery is a deadly sin. This devotion explains.

Adultery is a serious sin and Spiritual adultery is a deadly sin. This devotion explains.


Devotions from the Parable of the Sower

The Parable of the Sower offers some interesting insights. It's a concise, helpful collection great for personal or group study.

The Parable of the Sower offers some interesting insights into the reasons that many people reject Christ. This 1-minute devotion explains some of those insights. ~ The Seed is Not the Problem

Part 2 in the series on the Parable of the Sower: Rocky-Ground people. Check out this 1-minute devotion and see if you know any Rocky-ground folks. ~ Rocky-Ground Faith

This 1-minute devotion explains what Jesus meant when he talked about people who have thorns in their lives. Let this devotion encourage you to get rid of any that you might have. ~ Are You Choking on Thorns?

Jesus describes hard-path, rocky-ground, and thorny-ground people, but he also describes good-soil people. If you are a good-soil person, you will be doing the 4 things described in this 1-minute devotion. ~ 4 Things Productive Christians Do

The Parable of the Sower offers some interesting insights. It's a concise, helpful collection great for personal or group study.

The Parable of the Sower offers some interesting insights. It's a concise, helpful collection great for personal or group study.

Half-Truth Deception and a Book!

Half-truths about the Bible effectively deceive and confuse us. This devotion explains the way to protect ourselves.

I warned of Hell (2 Peter 2:4-9). 
A man disagreed, saying none will perish (2 Peter 3:9).

I spoke about the special faith of my friend who is blind.
A woman disagreed, explaining if he had faith he would be healed (Isaiah 53:5).

I explained that we should not think too highly of ourselves (Romans 12:3).
A man disagreed, saying we can't love others if we don't love ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39).

I explained that Christians will be disciplined if we fail to repent when we sin (Revelation 3:19).
A woman disagreed, explaining that there is no condemnation once we are in Christ (Romans 8:1).

I said I was glad that God knows everything about me, even my past sins (Hebrews 4:13).
A woman disagreed, saying when God forgives us, He forgets our sins (Hebrews 8:12).

I talked about the serious nature of certain sins (John 19:11).
A man disagreed, saying all sins are the same in God's eyes (James 2:10).

I explained that churches should not have people on staff who are living ungodly lifestyles (1 Corinthians 5).
A woman disagreed, explaining that Scripture tells us to judge not” (Matthew 7:1).

All of those who disagreed were basing their views on popular half-truths that take Scripture out of context. To avoid these errors, we must correctly handle God's Word, being like the noble Bereans who carefully compared Paul's teachings with the words of Scripture (2 Timothy 2:15; Acts 17:11-12).

The Bible is a complete story, not a single episode. It is a complete message, not a collection of separate truths.


The damage caused by these half-truths has deeply concerned me. And at the end of last year I received a contract to write a book addressing popular half-truths that have infiltrated the church. I would appreciate it if you would pray for me as I write this book, that I will be able to clearly show what Scripture teaches about half-truths like those mentioned in this devotion. My heart's desire is that God's people will be strengthened. 
My husband and I recently moved, and that has taken a great deal of our time and energy. My manuscript is due March 15th. Please pray for me, that I can get it done in a timely fashion. 

With this background, I'm asking for prayer for the book.
Click this link to get an overview of the content:
If you would like to join my prayer group for the book, you can send me an email at and I will start sending you a once-a-week email with prayer requests and sneak peeks of the book content.

Half-truths about the Bible effectively deceive and confuse us. This devotion explains the way to protect ourselves.

Half-truths about the Bible effectively deceive and confuse us. This devotion explains the way to protect ourselves.


Scripture Warns Against False Views of Jesus

There are lots of false views of Jesus floating around. Did you know Scripture Warns Against these twisted descriptions of Jesus? This 1-minute devotion explains.

It breaks my heart to see the way our world so often portrays my Savior. 

They've created a Jesus who barely mentions sin because his goal is to make people feel good about themselves.

Sadly, some Christians have bought into this false idea, thinking we should talk about Christ's love, not about sin.

But it is absolutely impossible to do that. Jesus' love for us cannot be separated from His hatred of sin. Jesus hated sin so much that He died a brutal death to defeat it. And He spent His life on earth helping mankind understand the terrible damage of sin and our need for a Savior.

Speaking to the Corinthian church, Paul rebuked them saying, “If someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, … you put up with it easily enough” (2 Corinthians 11:4).

We need to heed this warning as well. Keeping silent about sin will make us more popular for sure. But it won't make us more like Jesus. 

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first,” Jesus said (John 15:18).

We must honestly ask ourselves this question: Do we love Jesus enough to be hated?


For more insights, read The Fake Jesus Series

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. Find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first four devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" on Lifeway or AmazonIn addition, you can buy the book in Kindle format on Amazon and as an ebook on other sites.
Sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet. Find out more HERE.

There are lots of false views of Jesus floating around. Did you know Scripture Warns Against these twisted descriptions of Jesus? This 1-minute devotion explains.

There are lots of false views of Jesus floating around. Did you know Scripture Warns Against these twisted descriptions of Jesus? This 1-minute devotion explains.

There are lots of false views of Jesus floating around. Did you know Scripture Warns Against these twisted descriptions of Jesus? This 1-minute devotion explains.


Attacking Faith and Family

When people redefine truth, it always leads to human pride and broken relationships. This devotion

Satan loves turning God’s truths upside down and “blinding the minds of unbelievers” (2 Corinthians 4:4). And he's been hugely successful in inspiring people raised in Christian homes to "deconstruct" their faith and become what is popularly called "ex-vangelicals."

You can tell that Satan is behind this movement because those who deconstruct aren't simply interested in rejecting biblical beliefs, they insist on demonizing them.

Claiming to be more gracious than Christians, they are our most ungracious critics, insisting that our beliefs are harmful and hateful. But we're in good company, because they also criticize our Lord, claiming that only an evil God would send people to Hell. 

I began studying ex-vangelicals when a family member became one, claiming she'd been victimized by the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). 

But instead of being victims of their Christian upbringing, ex-vangelicals are actually victims of Satan's manipulation. He loves seeing people ruin their lives, forfeit countless blessings, and reject the love graciously offered to them not only by Christian family members but also by the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Be aware of this movement, dear Christians. Pray for those involved, and don't fall for their lies or their condemnation!


Note: It's true that people occasionally teach biblical truths in unloving ways, but studying ex-vangelical teachings and hearing personal stories from readers has convinced me that ex-vangelicals aren't offended by bad Christians. They're offended by God's Word.

This Bible Love Notes post gives you an overview of this movement and its popular leaders: Wilderness Wanderers. We also have an Ex-vangelical Collection addressing the claims of specific ex-vangelical "celebrities" and teachers like Amy Grant, Hillsong's Marty Sampson, Andy Stanley, musician for The Chosen Dan Haseltine, the late Rachel Held Evans, The Shack author Paul Young, Jen Hatmaker, author of six NY Times bestsellers Bart Ehrman, and Brian Zahnd.

When people redefine truth, it always leads to human pride and broken relationships. This devotion

When people redefine truth, it always leads to human pride and broken relationships. This devotion

When people redefine truth, it always leads to human pride and broken relationships. This devotion


Sibling Rivalry – Numbers 12

This case of sibling rivalry from the Old Testament is a good lesson for all of us.

If we don't deal with bad attitudes quickly, they can turn into life-damaging emotions.

When I read about Miriam's life, I wonder if the jealousy at the end of her life (Numbers 12) began when Moses was rescued by the Pharaoh's daughter (Exodus 2:1-10).

She was a faithful older sister guarding her newborn brother and cleverly arranging for her mother to nurse him. 

But what did she think when he grew up enjoying the opulent luxury of Pharoah's palace while she lived as a slave? Did the roots of jealousy begin there? 

Being jealous of siblings, co-workers, or friends is a sign of distrust in God. We can't be faithful to God's plans and purposes in our lives when we're busy coveting the gifts and opportunities of others (Ephesians 2:10).

Miriam had a special role in the exodus of God's people (Micah 6:4), but she apparently wasn't content. She wanted her brother's role. 

Let's not make the same mistake. 

Ask God to reveal any jealousy you have allowed in your life. Don't let the poison of jealousy damage your walk with the Lord and keep you from fulfilling His purposes for your life. 


If you've been slandered by a family member, I recommend the devotion Paul's Advice When Slandered. I also recommend Beware of Slandering Your Brother.

Biblical, concise, affordable devotional

💙 Be sure to check out the Bible Love Notes devotional Wisdom for Life. It's discounted on LifewayAmazon, and CBD

You can also sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes one-minute devotions HERE.

This case of sibling rivalry from the Old Testament is a good lesson for all of us.

This case of sibling rivalry from the Old Testament is a good lesson for all of us.

This case of sibling rivalry from the Old Testament is a good lesson for all of us.