Nothing Strengthens Faith Like This One Thing!

Do you know what matures our faith more than any other thing? This 1-minute devotion explains.

Nothing strengthens faith like testing (1 Peter 1:1-9). 

From favored son to slave (Genesis 37), from respected slave to prisoner (Genesis 39), Joseph’s faith was tested. He learned that God could use him in any situation (Genesis 50:16-20). And God used him powerfully (Genesis 41:41-46).(1) 

From royal family to country shepherd, from wealth and privilege to working class, Moses’ faith was tested. He lost his self-confidence and gained his God-confidence (Exodus 3; Numbers 12:3). And God used him powerfully (Deuteronomy 34:10-12).(2) 

Joseph as the favored son and Moses in the royal court wouldn’t have been capable of doing what God had planned for them, and the same is true for you and me (Romans 5:1-5). 

If we want to fulfill God’s purposes for our lives, we will go through testing (Acts 14:21-22; 2 Timothy 3:10-13). 

If I’d written Bible Love Notes as a new Christian, my devotions would have been shallow. I’d have talked about how smoothly the Christian life can go if you obey God. But the difficulties in my life have tested and matured my faith. And they continue to test and mature me.

Now I can write about God’s loving comfort for the brokenhearted because I’ve experienced it firsthand. I can give insights into perseverance because God is teaching me how to persevere. And I’m more confident than ever that God’s Word sustains us and gives us wisdom.

Nothing strengthens faith like testing!


* Speaking of my writing, did you know that God blessed me with the opportunity to publish my first book in 2023. It's Called Wisdom for Life. Find out all about it on the Wisdom for Life page. I encourage you to read more about it on It's Not for the Money.

For encouragement in adversity, see the Bible Love Note's Collection Overcoming Adversity. It contains 1-minute devotions such as:
✔Absolutely Nothing, encouraging us that God never leaves us. 
✔All That Glitters Is Not Gold, explaining how refining our faith helps us lose our desire for worldly things.

(1) To read the full story of Joseph's life, read Genesis 37-50. 
(2) To read the full story of Moses' life, read Exodus 2 through Deuteronomy 34. 

Do you know what matures our faith more than any other thing? This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes

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