Lines in the Sand

We Christians are good at "drawing lines in the sand" because we underestimate God. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

God is infinite. We're finite. We can't understand everything. But sometimes we think we can.

So we draw lines in the sand and insist God has chiseled them in rock:(1)
  • lines defining God's Sovereignty and man's free will.
  • lines defining healing and miracles.
  • lines emphasizing certain verses and ignoring others.
  • lines that say "I know" when they should say "I think" or "I wonder."
Scripture reveals everything we need for life and godliness, but it doesn't explain everything (2 Peter 1:3; John 21:25).

There are absolutes (e.g. John 14:6).

But there's also mystery - healthy "tension" between our lines. We don't have all the answers because:
God's Truth is a vast ocean that washes away our lines in the sand. So let's quit drawing them.
(1) Drawing lines in the sand is a metaphor meaning we decide how far we will go and no further. It is used in this devotion to illustrate times when we decide we know the full truth about a subject and refuse to admit that the subject is too vast to be contained within our "lines" of understanding.  

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We Christians are good at "drawing lines in the sand" because we underestimate God. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

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