God's Love Notes

You'll enjoy this collection of 1-minute devotions about God's Wonderful love. Why not pin or bookmark it so you can refer to it often for encouragement.

These 1-Minute Love Notes deal with specific aspects of God's love for us. I hope you enjoy them and realize how much He loves you! Why not read one every day. 

Why would anyone love this neglected little child? She wasn't pretty to look at and she wasn't healthy. But Kacy's story is a wonderful illustration of God's love.
My grandchildren so often teach me important truths about God. This fun situation helped me better understand God's love.

This one-minute devotion reminds us of some wonderful truths about God's love and mercy. 
If you ever start to wonder about God’s love, read through these passages and get your facts straight. 

This one-minute devotion helps us understand that nothing can separate us from God's love. 
This one-minute devotion encourages us with an aspect of God's love spoken of in Romans 5. Be encouraged! 

Let's explore the meaning of 2 Corinthians 3:3 where Christ-followers are described as letters. There are six kinds of "letters" according to Scripture.

This is a truth that should give us courage and comfort.

God Knows Us Intimately and Loves Us Deeply 

This one-minute devotion will bless you, especially if you are sometimes sad and discouraged.

Do you know why the father didn't chase his prodigal son? It's an illustration of God's actions toward His prodigals.  

If you've never pondered this truth about Eve, you will be glad you took the time to read this one-minute devotion. 
Sometimes God uses something unusual to teach us a lesson. This one-minute devotion discusses one of those situations.  
Some interesting thoughts about children, God, repetition, and boredom. I love the picture of God this devotion shares. 
Do you know that the first clue about Jesus is found in Genesis? This one-minute devotion explains a fact about God’s incredible love. 

Simple enough for a child to understand, profound enough for a theologian. The story behind one of the most popular Christian songs of all time.
There is a great misunderstanding about love. Some folks believe it means the same as acceptance. 
Do you know what it means to get a "God hug"? This one-minute devotion explains this wonderful benefit of knowing Jesus! 

Scripture says we'll never fully understand God's love. Do you know why that's such a wonderful truth?  


We know that dogs can't learn algebra, but we often make an even more absurd assumption concerning God. 
Yes! God is completely unreasonable. But before you start to defend Him, read this one-minute devotion. 
You probably know that the term “apple of my eye” means someone I passionately cherish. But do you know why? This one-minute devotion explains. 
This wonderful aspect of God's character is found in no other religion. Do you know what it is? 
Hair is pretty amazing and this one-minute devotion shares some fun facts, but it also shares something absolutely profound. 
Take a moment and ponder the process God designed for our growth. This one-minute devotion uses a wonderful analogy. Enjoy! 
Do you know what a Colorado "14er" is? This one-minute devotion makes an apt analogy. 
Zephaniah 3:17 says the most wonderful thing about our relationship with God. This one-minute devotion will make you feel deeply loved.

Do you know the real reason that we human beings care about evil and suffering? It might surprise you. 

Why Does He Love Us?
After hearing an overview of the Bible, this woman asked the most profound question, and the answer is profound as well. 


If you don't know about the killdeer's way of protecting its young, you will be blessed by this one-minute devotion. 
This devotion explains why the word "unconditional" is not found in Scripture.
Enjoy these seven wonderful facts about God's love! 
This is such a wonderful truth about God's love. Even if you've heard it a hundred times, you need to hear it again today! 

Wonderful Christian Devotional!!
💙 Besides these great online devotions, please check out the Bible Love Notes devotional 
Wisdom for Life. It  features 1-minute devotions from Psalms and Proverbs. 

LifewayAmazon, and CBD are featuring it at great sale prices. 

And please sign up for a free email subscription to Bible Love Notes online devotions HERE

You'll enjoy this collection of 1-minute devotions about God's Wonderful love. Why not pin or bookmark it so you can refer to it often for encouragement.


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