8 Evening Habits of Maturing Christians

Based on the 8 Evening Habits of Highly successful people, this 1-minute devotion explains how each habit can be adapted to apply to Christian maturity.

Most Christians don't make deliberate plans to grow in their faith, but it's something we all should do.

I've read articles about the evening habits of successful people, and that prompted me to consider some ways Christians might develop helpful evening habits. Here are 8 suggestions:

1. Evaluate your day. Did you live it faithfully? Do you need to repent of something? 
2. Even if you had a quiet time earlier in the day, read a short passage before or after supper.
3. Before bed, get offline and go "online" with God for at least a few minutes. 
4. Be sure to include some time to pray for your family members.
5. Before falling asleep, think of ways God blessed you during the day. You might even want to keep a journal for this purpose.

6. Ask God for wisdom and courage for the following day.

7. Get enough sleep (this is good for so many things, spiritual and physical). See Eat, Rest, Cry

8. If you have trouble getting to sleep, or if you wake in the night, meditate on a Bible verse. See Singing in the Shadow

These are practical ways to obey the commands in Philippians 2:12-13 and Romans 12:1-2.

Why not look over these possibilities and ask God if you need to add any to your evening routine. They may bless your life with spiritual "success."

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It can also help you mature in your faith. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for Life. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first 4 devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" on Lifeway or Amazon.
I also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet. Find out more HERE.
Based on the 8 Evening Habits of Highly successful people, this 1-minute devotion explains how each habit can be adapted to apply to Christian maturity.

Based on the 8 Evening Habits of Highly successful people, this 1-minute devotion explains how each habit can be adapted to apply to Christian maturity.



  1. This is a wonderful group of ideas to help physically, spiritually, and to calm my mind before resting. Thank you for this devotion.

  2. Love one minute bible notes so much thank you for making it !!

    1. I'm glad you enjoy BLN, Wendy.
      Thanks for the encouraging words.
      Gail : )

  3. Love this! Thank you. I appreciate you.

  4. These are such wonderful habits that are worth cultivating. I'll try to start doing them.
    This is a very lovely blog you have here! I got the link on sisiyemmie.com and I am so glad I checked it out! God bless you for the good work you're doing.

  5. Hi Gail,
    Just stayed reading your blog after getting your One Minute Bible Love Notes. I'm a new Christian and trying hard to grow in my faith. It does take work and need all the help I can get.
    God is Awesome,

  6. I wanted to sign up for the emails, but a box popped up and said this was not secure. Just thought you'd like to know. Love your devotionals and I will continue to read them from FaceBook

    1. Hi Joan,
      I'm not sure why that box popped up. There's nothing about the Bible Love Notes site that isn't secure....it's ad-free (we make no profit and cover all costs ourselves) and your email is never used for any purpose except emailing the devotion.

      I know that if you live in the EU, there is a standard pop-up for all sites that use cookies and since the blog is on Google, that box comes up, but it's not because the site itself uses cookies.

      I hope you'll try to subscribe again!
      God bless you.
