We’re called to apply Scripture to our present culture, but we must not “update” it to fit cultural values. Sadly, many Christians are doing just that.
A 2015 article about women’s roles explained that many conservative Christian leaders and institutions were relaxing their views about female pastors so they could put their efforts into standing firm biblically on LGBTQ issues.
They knowingly sacrificed one Bible truth thinking they could maintain another (James 4:17).
Since 2015, false teachings about LGBTQ issues have exploded. Well-known pastors are hosting seminars with homosexual speakers.(1) An influential pastor previously known for biblical accuracy called American Christians "pharisees" because they confronted him for publicly encouraging Christians to attend trans weddings.(2) And Side A and B "Christians" emerged in our churches.(3)
Obviously, the 2015 strategy didn't work.
Whenever we give up one principle to appease culture, we set a precedent, and more will follow.
Do we really think that God's commands about female leadership in the church are unimportant? Do we think that our Creator is out of touch? Does He need our help in defining what’s best for us?
Dear Christians, we can’t decide what matters and what doesn’t in God’s Word. That’s not our job.
“Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” Romans 15:4
(1) Have We Misjudged Andy Stanley?
(3) Which Side Are You On: A, B, X, or Y?
See also:
Shall We Excuse the Darkness or Expose It?
A Well-Known Pastor Changes His View about Female Pastors
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