Have you heard the story of the naughty little boy whose mother made him sit in a chair for time-out? But he wasn't sorry. Instead he told her, "I may be sittin' down on the outside, but I'm standin' up on the inside!"
We Christians sometimes do this too, even though Jesus makes it clear that our attitudes and motives matter very much (Matthew 5:21-48).
We can fake it with those around us, but Jesus sees past it to what's going on inside our hearts.
Legalistic Christians do the right thing out of self-righteous pride, hoping everyone will notice their godliness.
Permissive Christians do the right thing, but only when someone is looking...sometimes.
✔ The legalist misses the reason for obedience: our love for Christ.
✔ The backslider misses the reason for God's commands: God's love for us.
But there's a third way to live our Christian lives that's neither legalistic nor permissive. We can and should respond as beloved children to our loving Father, knowing that He knows what's best for us.
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1
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