Special Sunday Post: What Doors Will America Open in 2025?

Essential information for Christians who want to vote biblically.

I thought I was done writing posts about the election as I felt I had shared my heart about Christians prioritizing platforms above personalities, being more interested in millions of babies' lives than in candidates' sins.

But the Democrats have opened the door to another evil that is every bit as biblically offensive as abortion.

In 2023, under Biden and Harris, the Democrats put out a White House Fact Sheet demanding that children who are too young to decide their bedtimes should be allowed to determine their gender. They also support trans drugs and surgeries for underage children. Please read more about this in A Public Holiday Mocking Our Lord.

This official fact sheet said any limitation on transgender drugs for children was "callous government overreach that threatens families." The reason for this last statement is the fact that the Republicans have been trying to close the door on trans drugs and trans surgeries for minors (AP News).

In 2024, Biden was the first U.S. President to issue a public proclamation proudly promoting Transgender Day of Visibility.

Biden did this despite the readily available studies that show the dangers of trans drugs and surgeries on minors and despite the fact that several other countries have shut down their trans clinics and cautioned the use of these drugs and procedures. 

Why am I bringing this up again? 

Because recently, Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy who heads the largest youth gender clinic in the United States at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles was found responsible for withholding the results of a $10 million taxpayer-funded study that proved puberty blockers provided no help for children suffering from gender dysphoria (Source).

She said she didn’t want these results to affect public opinion or be used to support the concerns of giving underage children trans-drugs.

In case you aren’t aware, because of a federally-funded research grant, children as young as 8 can be given these cross-sex hormones and by age 15 they can have surgeries that permanently mutilate their bodies. Furthermore, the drugs can cause lifelong bone weaknesses.

You don’t need to be Christian to understand the cruelty of these Democratic policies. For example, even though I don’t recommend her books, the Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling hit the nail on the head when she summarized what Dr. Olson-Kennedy was actually saying: "We must not publish a study that says we're harming children because people who say we're harming children will use the study as evidence that we're harming children, which might make it difficult for us to continue harming children."

This is definitely a biblical issue as well as a political one. It mocks God's design in creation, rejects God's sovereign choices for each man and woman, and denies God's Word. On top of that, it's child abuse!

If the Democrats win this election, more tax-payer money will be used to experiment on these confused children, permanently damaging their health and well-being. 

Will you open the door and usher this evil into our country or close the door and pray for the well-being of the children already suffering from these cruel practices?

If you have already voted for the Democratic platform despite their anti-God stands on transgenderism and abortion, I urge you to confess your sin to the Lord and memorize some of the passages in What Scripture Says about Abortion and What Scripture Says about Gender. In addition, I encourage you to spend some time reading about the brutal methods used to kill babies in late-term abortions and the dangers of trans-drugs on minors. In these ways you can renew your heart and mind and prove your repentance.

If you have not yet voted, I urge you to place the unborn babies and vulnerable youth above your feelings about the candidates. We aren’t simply voting for Trump or Harris. We are voting for their party platforms, platforms that will affect the lives of millions and bring God’s judgment or blessing on America. Trump and Harris will have to account for their personal sins, but we will have to account for our vote in regard to these two major biblical issues. 

For further study, see:

What Scripture Says about Gender (shorter article)

What the Bible Teaches about Gender (longer article)

A Letter Defending Male and Female

Essential information for Christians who want to vote biblically.


1 comment:

  1. I personally find abortion and the mutilation of our children abhorrent. I'm not alone in this, so does God. We know that God is good Mark 10:18; God is Love 1J. 4:8; that He is angry with the wicked EVERY day PS. 7:11; and that we are commanded to hate/abhor what is evil Rom. 12:9. The sacrificing/killing/mutilation of our children is evil and a pagan practice Jer. 19:5, Lev. 18:21, 2 K. 17:17, PS. 106:37-38. Jonathan Cahn's book: The Return of the gods is excellent on these topics. Here is a brief one min. vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_h4-pWL6i9Y. As Christians, as a nation, we must repent of such and demand that those who practice such pagan audacities: 'Keep your hands off our children!!!'.
