"The Love of Most Will Grow Cold" - 5 Aspects of Voting Biblically

When wickedness increases, many people go along with it. This short devotion offers 5 truths to consider when we vote for leaders.

Please consider these 5 aspects of voting biblically:

5 Aspects of Voting Biblically

✔ 1. We make choices based on principles, not personalities.

Christians define our vote by platforms, prioritizing things which God prioritizes (see Leadership in Scripture).

2. We agree to disagree on some political issues just as we agree to disagree on some religious practices (Romans 14).

But this doesn't apply when the issues are moral in nature. (See Allowing for Differences, but Not Sinful Choices.)

3. We honor God when our vote affects biblical and moral issues.

 We refuse to conform to worldly values (Romans 12:2). Our love for God is revealed in our hatred of evil (Romans 12:9). We live what Scripture teaches (James 1:22-25). 

Platforms promoting abortion and LGBTQ lifestyles mock God and damage people's lives. See A Public Holiday Mocking Our Lord and Be Sure You Fully Understand this Fact

4. We realize that every choice is a test of our faith. 

We will we be mastered by culture or personal gain or will we be mastered by our Lord (Matthew 6:24).  

(See Nothing Strengthens Our Faith Like This One Thing.)

5. We do what it right even if we don't "win." 

Christ explained that only those who deny themselves and obey His commands are genuine believers (Mark 8:34John 14:15). James 4:4 explains that "anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God." 

Christ warned us of weeds among the wheat and wolves in sheep clothing, and those differences are never more relevant than in this election:

"Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." Matthew 24:12-13


We are definitely choosing between the lesser of two evils this election. It's not prolife versus proabortion. It's mildly proabortion versus wildly proabortion. The Republicans have distanced themselves from some godly principles they embraced in the past, and done some other things offensive to Christians (e.g. Pagan Chant bless the RNC). Because of these types of things, some of my readers have written to tell me their conscience does not allow them to vote Republican or Democrat this election. I respect their choice if they've made it prayerfully and carefully. I also respect those who have chosen to vote Republican knowing that babies lives will definitely be saved if the Republican platform prevails.

But let's pray for the souls of those professing Christians who are choosing to vote Democrat because their vote approves abortion for every reason at every stage of pregnancy, including late term abortions where children's limbs are torn from their bodies and their skulls crushed without anesthetic. I don't believe a genuine believer in Christ can vote for such a thing. 

Please read God or Culture? and God Looks Down from Heaven to See if Any of Us Understand.

See Kamela Harris' Extreme Proabortion Voting Record.

When wickedness increases, many people go along with it. This short devotion offers 5 truths to consider when we vote for leaders.

When wickedness increases, many people go along with it. This short devotion offers 5 truths to consider when we vote for leaders.

When wickedness increases, many people go along with it. This short devotion offers 5 truths to consider when we vote for leaders.

When wickedness increases, many people go along with it. This short devotion offers 5 truths to consider when we vote for leaders.

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