Leadership in Scripture: Godly Lifestyles vs. Godly Platforms

This devotion offers a look at leaders in Scripture and offers insights into modern politicians.

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In view of our upcoming presidential election, let's take a look at leadership in Scripture. 

⮞ Some good leaders had consistently godly lifestyles.

Joseph remained faithful despite his enormous struggles and temptations. See Joseph Let God Be God

⮞ Some good leaders committed serious sins.

King David committed murder and adultery. See What a Tangled Web We Weave

⮞ Some leaders started out godly but gave in to ungodly peer pressure or worldliness.

This was true of King Saul (1 Samuel 9:15-161 Samuel 10:1, 6-7, 24). See As Serious as Witchcraft or Idol Worship. And King Solomon wasted much of his life on meaningless things. See From Wisdom to Foolishness.

⮞ God even used some pagan leaders to fulfill His purposes.

Cyrus of Babylon helped restore Israel (the Book of Ezra). Pharaoh's household protected Moses (Exodus 2). 

God uses all types of leaders. As Christians, our focus must be the public platform of a leader, not their personal lives. Don't get me wrong—a candidate's character matters greatly, but we're voting for their governmental values, not their lifestyle.

Government laws and values directly affect the moral fiber of a nation, bringing God's wrath or blessings (Romans 1:18; Ephesians 5:6). Currently, the most serious biblical issues facing voters are abortion and censorship of biblical truths about LGBTQ lifestyles (examples of censorship). 

As believers our vote should reflect our love for God and His commands (John 14:23-24).


See Please Be Sure You Understand This Fact and A Public Holiday Mocking Our Lord and Would You Have Justified Slavery?

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This devotion offers a look at leaders in Scripture and offers insights into modern politicians.

Bible Love Notes

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