Are You Overextended or Undercommitted?

It's a good thing to evaluate our priorities and commitment from time to time to make sure we're living Matthew 6:33.

My husband commanded a tank company in Germany in the early 80s. He frequently spent time away from home doing physically challenging field training. He'd go weeks with only a few hours of sleep each night.

I’ll never forget the time we went to chapel the morning after he returned from fourteen days in the field. When we left church that day, the chaplain said, “Michael, I'd like to know why today's sermon put you to sleep.” He wasn't aware that my husband had prioritized church even though he was physically exhausted.

Perhaps Eutychus in Acts 20:7-12 also got some criticism when he fell asleep during one of Paul’s sermons, fell out the window, and died. But I choose to believe that both my husband and Eutychus serve as examples of people who are willing to seek God even when it's inconvenient and difficult. 
I'm not advocating that we attend church and Bible studies when we're physically exhausted. But I'm asking myself if I have that kind of commitment and perseverance to spend time with God, to seek first His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33).
Please join me in some self-evaluation:
✔ Have you let things get in the way of personal time with God?
Have you overextended yourself, taking on too many responsibilities?
Are you willing to evaluate how your daily activities impact your relationship with God?

It's healthy to evaluate our schedules from time to time. 

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6


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It's a good thing to evaluate our priorities and commitment from time to time to make sure we're living Matthew 6:33.

It's a good thing to evaluate our priorities and commitment from time to time to make sure we're living Matthew 6:33.

It's a good thing to evaluate our priorities and commitment from time to time to make sure we're living Matthew 6:33.


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