Physical Blindness Versus Spiritual Blindness

In John 9, Jesus explains the difference between spiritual and physical blindness. An interesting chapter in God's Word.

John 9 is about physical and spiritual blindness.

Jesus heals a man born blind, explaining to his disciples that this man's physical blindness had nothing to do with sin.(1)

The Pharisees witness this healing, but they mock the healed man, claiming that Jesus is not from God. 

The man's physical blindness had nothing to do with sin. The Pharisee's spiritual blindness had everything to do with sin.

Sometimes we wrongly assume that the Pharisees only represent legalistic religious people. But in this passage they represent anyone who denies the truth when it’s staring them in the face.

Scripture guarantees that those who wholeheartedly seek God will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). However, many in the world enjoy the darkness and they will ignore the evidence, mocking those who believe (John 3:16-19). 

Jesus “entered this world to render judgment—to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind” (John 9:39).(2)

I once was spiritually blind, but Jesus healed my blindness and enabled me to walk in His light. That was more than forty years ago, and the more I seek to know and understand my Lord daily, the better my spiritual vision becomes.

If you're walking in the light of Christ, I encourage you to take time today to think of ways you can improve your spiritual vision. 

Let me offer some resources for doing that:

Bible Love Notes has a collection of 1-minute devotions called Quiet Time Tips, including devotions like Why the Bible Is Like Dark Chocolate and Why Quiet Time Is Not Always the Best Name

In John 9, Jesus explains the difference between spiritual and physical blindness. An interesting chapter in God's Word.

We have another collection of 1-minute devotions called Powerful, Purposeful Prayer, including devotions like 5 Requirements for Effective Prayer and Is Repetitive Prayer a Sin?

In addition, we have a collection of devotions called Spiritual Vision which you might find helpful.


(1) Some sickness is caused by personal sin, but most is a result of living in a fallen world. Jesus has conquered sin and death, but we won’t see the full results of that victory until heaven (1 Corinthians 15:22-25; Hebrews 2:5-9). God uses sickness for a variety of reasons in our lives. For example, He is glorified in healing, but He's also glorified in the lives of those who persevere in His strength despite physical problems (see Wheelchair Miracle and 4 Truths About Suffering).

(2) If you are confused about this verse when compared with John 3:17, please see Did Jesus Come to Judge?

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hello Gail,
    I noticed that using the NLT, John 3:17 states that God did not send His Son to judge the world, but then in John 9:39 Jesus says he entered the world to render judgement. Can you help me understand this, to my feeble brain it sounds like a contradiction. Thanks in advance, I greatly appreciate your Love Notes!

    1. Hi Heidi,
      That's a great question. I've actually written an explanation of it, and since you've asked that question, I'm sure others may be asking it as well. Please see that I've added the explanation in footnote (2) in the devotion. I hope that helps!
      God bless.
