Wisdom, Joy, Radiance - Psalm 19

2 Important Truths wrapped in Psalm 19 will encourage you. Don't miss this 1-minute devotion.

Imagine finding something that refreshed your soul and made you wise...

Something that was so right for you that it made your heart swell with joy...

Something so radiant it was reflected in your eyes...

Something pure, firm, righteous.

Imagine this thing was beyond value but was given to you free. 

Imagine it was sweeter to your spirit than honey is to your tongue.

These are descriptions of God’s Word found in Psalm 19:7-11 and they are absolutely true!

This passage also tells us two important facts:

1. Scripture warns us, keeping us from spiritual harm, a concept more fully expanded in Psalm 119:9-16.

2. Scripture rewards us – blesses our lives with understanding that pleases the Lord.

I encourage you to read Psalm 19 and Psalm 119 this week.

Why not journal the ways these psalms expand your appreciation for God's Word.

It will refresh your soul!
Psalm 119, Worth all 176 Verses also gives you some fun ways to explore this long psalm about God's Word.
Or check out the Psalm 119 series called 9 Disciplines of Growing Christians.

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2 Important Truths wrapped in Psalm 19 will encourage you. Don't miss this 1-minute devotion.