He Should Have Read the Note in the Bible

This fascinating story has a powerful impact on the way we live our lives. Don’t miss reading it.
How many blessings do we forfeit through selfish desires?
He unwrapped the graduation gift from his father expecting car keys. Instead, he found a Bible!

Enraged by his father's stinginess, the young man stormed from the house vowing never to return.

True to his word, the son never returned until his father died. Going through his father's belongings, he found the gift Bible and picked it up. A yellowed note fell from the pages:
“Son, as you graduate, my prayer is that you’ll always seek God’s purposes. Your new car is in the garage, but I wanted to give you this greater gift first. Love, your dad.”
By seeking his selfish goals, the son lost more than a car—he lost a relationship with his loving father.

The story is fictional, but the truth is an accurate illustration of our lives when we focus on our desires, not God's.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and [God] will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33

I heard this story years ago but have no way of attributing it to the original author.


I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for Life. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE 
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This fascinating story has a powerful impact on the way we live our lives. Don’t miss reading it.

This fascinating story has a powerful impact on the way we live our lives. Don’t miss reading it.


  1. so true! i enjoy your bible posts.

  2. Lesson learned don't be selfish but try to acknowledge the smallest things we get, ignorance comes with a price yet we pray for blessings but when God delivers to us we expect things to be done according to our own expectations also I have learned to treasure every little gift I get, it doesn't matter weather smaller or bigger but to appreciate and send gratitudes

  3. What a beautiful lesson . Fiction but speaks volumes of the real message . 🙏🙏🙏

  4. Some of us were simply told we do not owe you anything more, there is the door. No thought of further education , how ill equipped to deal with outside world etc. all we owe you . From that I had great expectations for my own sons, neither went on, and nno matter what the door was open for them and many times they returned, Made thier own mistakes and we were right there for them. Never kept a tally of who owed what. Jessus paid the greatest by sacrificinghimself for us.

  5. I needed to read that I have learned every day take nothing for granted as learned to grow learned changed daily to hear God's voice feel His presence to wait and not jump ahead of Him in my journey I have experience alot of perfect people who have never done or said anything wrong well I'm being sarcastic but the message in the message is so so clear there are no do overs just start overs so really take the time to smell the roses it's such a beautiful scent not only is the scent very fragrance also beautiful we miss so much when we don't stop and smell the roses thank you so much for that awaking

  6. Been there done that on being a stubborn individual, but I am at a place in my life where there is no turning back and my walk with God has been amazing. Yes I said amazing! All the bad and good in my life has brought my to know Him personally and i know that all the experiences I have had along the way where there to strengthen me and make me wiser.

  7. Thank you, Gail, for your blessed reminders!
