Sometimes We Miss Seeing the Heart

Do you know how David's older brother behaved when David fought Goliath? This 1-minute devotion explains.

Samuel arrived to anoint the next king of Israel. He assumed it was Eliab, the tall, handsome oldest brother. But God said:

“Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

Then God told Samuel to anoint the youngest, least regarded brother, the shepherd boy David.

Fast-forward one chapter

David the shepherd boy encourages the Israeli army that God will give them victory over Goliath, and David puts his life on the line to defend God's honor. 

Tall, handsome Eliab stands around calling David names (1 Samuel 17:28).

What a contrast between David's and Eliab's hearts!

Dear Lord, help us look beyond externals like appearance, position, wealth, and popularity and see s as You see them. 

For more insights, see King David's Key to a Healthy Faith and Don't Be Jealous of Other People's Gifts.

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. Find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first four devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" on Lifeway or AmazonIn addition, you can buy the book in Kindle format on Amazon and as an ebook on other sites.
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Do you know how David's older brother behaved when David fought Goliath? This 1-minute devotion explains.



  1. I am really enjoying your postings :) thank you.

  2. Your posts are always a blessing to my life. May our Lord continue to bless you and your ministry.

  3. Thanks for the good thoughts from the heart of God

  4. How often we find ourselves doing JUST THIS, and against Gods' benevolent advice. Such is the penalty, I surmise, of being raised up and living in a fallen world As a retired police officer, I can easily attest tothe accuracy of His counsel to us. ( as if!! �� ) A career of "people watching will validate this passageeasily...should you be astute enough.

  5. I am just now reading this passage and David's life with his handsome brothers reflect my life living at home as an ugly duckling, rejected by my parents because I wanted to share the love and salvation of Jesus with them. Lord, help us to discern the hearts of those close to us and in our community.

    1. Dear Hoshiana,
      May God give you comfort and strength in your situation.
      God bless you!

  6. God bless you and your ministry. I enjoy reading the publications you publicize.
