Satan is an evil Goliath in our world: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:4
On this day in 1973 (January 22nd), Satan successfully blinded a majority of Supreme Court justices to the image of God in unborn babies. Roe v. Wade denied unborn babies the constitutional right to life and liberty. Fifty years later sighted judges overturned it.
But Satan's pro-abortion propaganda continues to deceive the majority.
For many years, Planned Parenthood has offered free or inexpensive birth control to those without medical insurance (source). And they've promoted sinful sex by giving free contraceptives to children under the age of eighteen without parental consent (source). This proves that more than 90% of abortions are done because of irresponsible, unprotected sex.
Proabortion groups stress the 1.5% of abortions that are related to rape or incest, or they talk about those involving teen pregnancy. But in 2021, 92% of abortions were performed for women aged twenty or older, 13% of them married (Pew Research).
The Goliath purpose of abortion is to mock sexual purity, defy God as the Creator of human life, and make innocent babies pay for their parents' irresponsible sins.
We are on a battlefield, dear Christians, facing this evil Goliath. We can cower in the dark and let the murder of innocent babies continue without challenge. Or we can fight in God's Name like David.
If that doesn't break your heart, please read What Scripture Says about Abortion and Law, Hearts, Scripture, Murder, Excuses.
I plan to regularly (probably monthly) remind myself and my readers to stand firm and be aware of abortion propaganda. It's a Goliath problem, and even if we are not able to completely defeat it, we must continue to fight the good fight.
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