Wanderers, Weeds, Sleepers, or Children of Light?

Difficult times bring out 4 kinds of people who profess to be Christians. Which are you?

The light of Christ is shining in those of us who love Him and this is vitally important because:

✘ Many are leaving the church and joining the darkness (see Wilderness Wanderers).

Some are promoting darkness within the church (see Don’t Get Entangled in the Weeds).

Others are asleep in the church (see Do You Want to Just Barely Escape? and Let's Stay Awake).

It's so important that we act like children of the Light, awake, sober-minded, faithful, and fighting the good fight for our Lord. 

💛 “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.2 Corinthians 4:6

Shining our light in the darkness can be difficult, so let's make sure we are encouraging each other:

❤️ “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Is there a fellow believer in your family, workplace, or church who has taken an unpopular stand for God’s truth, persevered in difficult circumstances, or faced rejection and slander because of their faith?

Consider how you might encourage them this week. 


I think you'll find Get Out of Yourself and Think Inside the Box helpful when thinking of how you might encourage a fellow believer.

Wisdom for Life is currently on sale for 46% off on Amazon and CBD and 50% off on Lifeway. It's a great time to buy Christmas and birthday gifts ahead of time! It's a good gift for encouraging a fellow believer!

A great devotional on sale!

Difficult times bring out 4 kinds of people who profess to be Christians. Which are you?

Difficult times bring out 4 kinds of people who profess to be Christians. Which are you?

Difficult times bring out 4 kinds of people who profess to be Christians. Which are you?


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