God's View of Premarital Sex: A Collection of One-Minute Truths

This collection of 1-minute devotions addresses various aspects of premarital sex, offering wisdom from God's Word.

Sadly, premarital sex has become the standard in most countries, not the exception. We need to understand how strongly God's Word warns against it, and these devotions can help.


I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Have you ever heard someone say that it's not our business how other people act out their sex lives? This devotion addresses that thought.

Sex Outside of Marriage - This devotion explains what Scripture says about Sex outside of Marriage and explores the meaning of the Greek words used in Scripture. Good, solid Biblical advice.

You can't call Christ your Lord and reject the Biblical teaching on sexual morality. This 1-minute devotion explains why. 

Should We Keep Our Mouths Shut Even When it Harms Others? Luke 9:26

You might be surprised what this study of 5000 years and 86 major cultures proves about sexual conduct in successful, productive cultures.

Christians think nothing of having premarital sex, but they'd feel differently if they read 1 John 3:6. This 1-minute devotion explains.

It should be easily understood but modern culture isn't always logical. This 1-minute devotion explains 3 aspects of Christian Marriage.

We must never defend or cover up the sins of Christian leaders. But we must place the blame where it belongs. This 1-minute devotion explains.

God's commands are all designed for our spiritual, emotional, and physical health. As our Designer, He loves us and knows what is best for us.

We can learn some valuable lessons from the sexual sin of King David. This 1-minute devotion explains.

This 1-minute devotion explains.

Because immoral lifestyles have been celebrated and promoted in our country, we need to clarify things we didn't need to clarify in the past.

Sins aren't simply "mistakes," and sexual sins are serious according to this Scripture.

We often talk of "falling" into sexual sin, but it's actually a 2 step process and when we understand that, it helps us say "no" to sin. This 1-minute devotion explains. 

This collection of 1-minute devotions addresses various aspects of premarital sex, offering wisdom from God's Word.

This collection of 1-minute devotions addresses various aspects of premarital sex, offering wisdom from God's Word.


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