Let’s Discuss This New Label: Side A “Christians”

Modern Christians must understand what God's Word says about sin if we are going to remain faithful in our anti-God culture.

Please read the introduction to this series: Which Side Are You On: A, B, X, or Y?

Christians in the category called Side A are professing Christians who believe God fully accepts gay monogamous relationships and gay marriage. 

That means: 

1. They must redefine Romans 1:26-27 which clearly says homosexuality is unnatural and shameful, causing God to turn people over to their sins. See Natural and Unnatural Interpretations and Comparing Apples and Rocks.

2. They must redefine 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 which clearly says men who have sex with men cannot inherit the kingdom of God. See Don't Overlook Verse 11.  

3. They must believe millions of Bible scholars, pastors, teachers, missionaries, martyrs, and other genuine believers throughout history misunderstood what Scripture teaches about homosexuality. See Denying the Obvious.

4. They must claim Jesus never said anything about homosexuality, ignoring Christ's clear description of God's design for marriage and sexual intimacy in Matthew 19:4-6. See Invalid Arguments.

God warned us of these things:

“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” 1 Timothy 4:1

LGBTQ lifestyles damage people’s hearts and souls and separate them from God. The most hateful thing we can do is remain silent as they head for Hell. 


To read more about Side A beliefs and how they've created a theology to affirm same-sex relationships, see Responding to Gay Revisionist Theology

Note: When I write about the danger and damage of LGBTQ lifestyles, I usually hear from readers who have loved ones who've chosen one of these lifestyles. Sometimes they'll tell me that I don't understand how painful it is. On Bible Love Notes, I don't share specifics about my close friends or family members who have walked away from the Lord, but I want my readers to know that I do understand, and I feel your pain if you are dealing with this difficult situation. I am grieved by some of my loved ones' choices. I've actually written about one of my situations in They've Created a "New Jesus"

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Modern Christians must understand what God's Word says about sin if we are going to remain faithful in our anti-God culture.

Bible Love Notes

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