Should We Speak Up For Truth?

Should We Keep Our Mouths Shut Even When it Harms Others? Luke 9:26

In Luke 9:26, Jesus says He will be ashamed of those who are ashamed of His words, yet many Christians are afraid to speak up in support of biblical moral values.(1)

Even if they believe biblical commands about premarital sex, homosexuality, transgenderism, and abortion, they think Christians should keep their opinions to themselves and not judge other people's choices.(2) 

But they don't hold this view consistently.

For example, if they found a distressed neighbor had overdosed on pills, they would do whatever they could to save his life. They wouldn't care if he disagreed, and they'd have no problem judging his choice by their values.

But here is the question we all must answer: Do we believe God knows what is harmful to our bodies and souls (1 Corinthians 6:18)?

We might not be able to save someone who is suicidal, but we still have a responsibility to try. Will we do the same when they try to commit spiritual suicide (Ezekiel 3:18-19)?
(1) If you doubt that biblical teachings about sexual morals are the words of Christ, please read "Why not simply believe the words of Christ?" and  "3 Silly Excuses."
(2) Scripture says we have a responsibility to judge these things (Ephesians 5:3-16; 2 Timothy 4:2). See also, "Judge Not Scripture Out of Context."

To do a short Bible study on this devotion, check out today's Bite Size Bible Study.

Should We Keep Our Mouths Shut Even When it Harms Others? Luke 9:26

Bible Love Notes


  1. I find that 90% of the time it doesn’t matter what you say as the person has made their mind up and that’s it. Of course one can try but one has to remember that our words can also discourage people from God instead of encourage them. It’s not our job to convict the sinner but the Holy Spirit who is to convict. Our job is to preach Christ and allow the Spirit to do the rest.

    1. I agree, and I like what St. Anselm (?) said: "Preach the Gospel of Christ always, and if you must, use words." Of course the point is clear: We more effectively share the Good News of Christ Jesus through the living out of our lives than we do by what we merely say. Blessings to you.
