4 Types of People God Tells Us To Avoid

this short devotion shares 4 Types of People God Tells Us To Avoid. Scripture explains why.

God warns against snobbery and bigotry, things based on externals. 

But He commands us to avoid the four types of people below:

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1. Bad influences
"Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character.'" 1 Corinthians 15:33.
This doesn't mean we avoid difficult people or non-Christians. It means we choose our friends wisely and avoid people who pressure us to sin. Our closest friends should be Christians who hold similar values.(1)
2. False teachers
"If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them." 2 John 1:10
See 10 Facts about False Teachers and Christians Beware.

3. Professing Christians with sinful lifestyles.
"You must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler."  1 Corinthians 5:11
This chapter (1 Corinthians 5) discusses church discipline of a man living an immoral lifestyle. This does not mean that we avoid fellow believers who sin. We all sin. It means we avoid Christians who are living sinful lifestyles.

4. Divisive people in the church.
Titus 3:9-11: "Do not get involved in foolish discussions about spiritual pedigrees or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish laws. These things are useless and a waste of time. If people are causing divisions among you, give a first and second warning. After that, have nothing more to do with them. For people like that have turned away from the truth, and their own sins condemn them."
This passage warns us to avoid people who want to create factions in the church, engaging people in foolish arguments. It's interesting that "fights about obedience to Jewish laws" is specifically mentioned. See All or Nothing.
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(1) More about Bad Influences:  
Avoiding bad influences doesn't mean we avoid difficult and annoying family members. God placed us in our families to learn patience, humility, and people skills (Romans 12:14-21). And He specifically instructs us to honor our parents. See: Let's Grow Up!
Nor should we avoid non-Christians. We're called to share Christ with them and this happens best in relationships (1 Corinthians 5:9-11). But we must not partner with non-Christians (2 Corinthians 6:14). They should not be our closest companions.


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This 1-minute devotion explains 4 Types of People the Bible Tells Us To Avoid. Scripture references with each explanation.

This 1-minute devotion explains 4 Types of People the Bible Tells Us To Avoid. Scripture references with each explanation.

This 1-minute devotion explains 4 Types of People the Bible Tells Us To Avoid. Scripture references with each explanation.

This 1-minute devotion explains 4 Types of People the Bible Tells Us To Avoid. Scripture references with each explanation.

Bible Love Notes


  1. This is the truth the way and the life and i myself know the bible but yet i had did the oppostion and know i am hurting to a point of coming out of God calling i must turn myself around and say lord forgive me of sinning against you and you alone i am ashame and guilty but Jesus died for all of our sins repent is to turn away ask for forgiveness and sin no more i can trust God for bringing me up once again Amen

    1. You have made that important first step, dear friend - repentance. God bless you as you make your way back to the safety of His loving arms.

  2. Dear Gail,

    Thank you, ma'am, for these messages and for all you do.
    Very much appreciated.


  3. First, praying for you Anonymous.

    Great points to have all in one spot. Pinning this one. Surprised, however, & happy, there aren't negative posts on this one. We may not like it, just as kids we didn't like our parents rules. But these are our Heavenly Father's rules for our own good.

    If your business deals are failing, with whom are you dealing...
    unbelievers? You can be unequally yoked in business too.

  4. Whenever I try to avoid these types of people, they always try to say I'm judging them. How can I point out to them, their sins?

    1. That's a tough question, Dawn. The only good answer I can give is to ask the Lord to help you in your dealings with them. There may be a time to fully explain your reasons for avoiding them and other times to just avoid directly explaining. I pray God will give you wisdom.

    2. I almost fell victim of this because I couldn't bring them out yet I wanted to please them but all glory to God for saving me. The answer is to pray for them because only God can save them

    3. Hi Ma
      I want to sincerely appreciate you for these messages. I must confess I meant so much. God bless you ma

  5. to me God is saying dont let non believers make you doubt your faith. Non believers need friends too

  6. What a great reading and how timely for me today. Thank you and Thank You GOD for Your Word.

  7. This is so powerful, I pray God Will lead me in the ways of the righteousness and direct my footsteps that I may be able to discern unwanted energy.

  8. Is there a difference between a heretic and a false teacher? If so, what? Also, could you give me some examples of causing divisions?

    1. I think a false teacher would also be called a heretic because he/she is teaching heresy. Causing divisions is typically done by people who insist that a non-essential doctrine is an essential doctrine or by people who misuse Scripture to fit their false teachings.

    2. heresy is a belief or action at odds with what is accepted: ex a Catholic saying there is no God. False teacher is someone who slants the doctrine of Christ for personal/divisive means.

    3. According to the dictionary:
      Heresy: belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.

      And false teaching is teaching anything that is false.

      So I think it's fair to say that they are actually the same thing although false teaching would apply to non-religious teachings as well as religious and heresy is typically only used for religious doctrines.

  9. Thank you so much. Praise the Lord for teaching me this today.😊

  10. Thank you for the devotions, It was blessing.

  11. Please pray for me

    1. Dear Unknown, I don't know your problem, but the Lord does. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord, I pray that you will commit your life to Him. And whatever problems you have, I pray that God will give you guidance, comfort, courage, and strength to do what is right. In Jesus Name.

  12. Dear Gail. I trust you're well on that side of the world. I too new prayer more especially for my 10 old Joshua. He recently has seizure for the first time in his life. Tests were done and they came back clear. But he's been complaining about headache and he's been vomiting. He's got an appointment on the 29for a CT scan. The Drs as assuming that he could have brain tumor. I don't want to accept that but when I read through what CT scans can are used for and as well tumor symptoms, I noticed that he has those signs. Please pray for him I'll truly appreciate your support . We're in Durban South Africa.

    Stay blessed man.

    1. Dear Cyril, I pray that your son will be healed of this problem. And I pray that, no matter what happens, you will hold tightly to the Lord, feeling His comfort, guidance, and love for you and your son. In Jesus Name.

  13. Professing christian with a sinful lifestyle is what we see in the world now. Peole like myself who is weigh down with one sin or the other and trying pretty hard to stop. As a Catholic I'm most thankful for the sacrament of reconciliation and i strongful pray daily to overcome the temptation to sin and fellowship daily in spirit with my heavenly father. Thanks for this post.

  14. Amen!loved your devotional. I have discovered this lesson within the last year. Don't let the world confuse you. Always seek gods wisdom.

  15. Also watch out for the "angry man", the seductress, false prophets (those that tell you to follow after other gods), those that are professing "Another Jesus", idolaters, and there are probably more....those are just what comes to mind. Blessings!

  16. Hi there. So I married a man who was untruthful about his relationship with God, he did well at hiding it, but the truth came to light. I was no angel either, but his childhood was toxic and he is seeking healing, but is an angry, bitter, there's strife non stop and it's exhausting. We have a child who is 4, but is divorce the answer and I'm fooling myself and acting co-dependant? When I consider leaving I feel no peace and when I'm considering living like this it seems like a nightmare.

    1. Dear Aonleas mom,
      I'm so sorry for your situation. It sounds very difficult.

      I'm glad your husband is getting counseling, and I pray it will help him. I also pray that he will come to know Jesus in a life-changing way.

      I would encourage you to find a mature older Christian woman or couple who could help you deal with this situation, giving you counsel, comfort and support. Ask them for wisdom about ways you might get a break from this exhausting relationship.

      And please, if your husband is physically abusing you or your child in any way, I encourage you to find a safe place to live away from him until her get the help he needs.

  17. It has taken courage and much searching for me to walk away from 2 "Christian friends" who continually slandered me. I have been quiet, praying for them, and I have watched God vindicate me, too. Why do I feel so guilty about walking away?

    1. I'm not sure why you are feeling guilty. I think we need to be careful not to give up on family relationships, especially relationships with our parents, but when it comes to friendships, there is really nothing in Scripture that tells us we must be friends with certain people. It tells us to treat all people kindly and forgive them, but we are not required to be close friends.

  18. Hi Gail! I truly enjoy your devotions and find great wisdom in them. I read this morning about the four types of people to avoid. My problem is, the fourth kind, those who claim to be Christians but do all things worldly. That describes my children. And other family. How do you avoid family? I don't want to avoid my children but want to live the way God calls me to live. What would you do in this situation?

    1. That's a really good question, and a really important one. But it doesn't have an easy answer.

      Obviously, God chooses our family, so we shouldn't cut off relationship with them unless they cut if off with us or unless they are threatening us with harm.

      But we must be very careful not to let them influence us, cause us to do anything against God's law, or encourage us in sinful ways.

      As a parent, you certainly shouldn't support any sinful activity your child is involved with. For example, you shouldn't be giving them money if they are spending their money on addictions or allowing them to sleep with a boyfriend or girlfriend in your home.

      There are times when a parent may need to reduce their contact with a child, letting him/her know that they are always available if that child repents.

      As I said, it's not an easy answer and there are lots of variables involved. I pray God will guide you how to handle your specific situation, guarding your faith but loving your children.

    2. Dear G
      Dont know where to start... i made many mistakes in my life, turned my life around, got baptised and is serving our Lord. Was also a very difficult and long road towards inner healing. Managed to win back my children, although i dont always agree with how they live their lives. My dad doesnt see the road that i travel now as right. He, my siblings and other family members have cut me out of their lives. Very difficult for me, but i also know that i do not want to subject myself to their narcistic ways and bad mouthing and scrutiny. They all cling to wordly things and celebrations. I have found a new "sister" and "mom" in Jesus Christ, and have an awesome husband walking the road of truth. I do miss my family greatly, but they continue to exclude me from their lives, blocking me on their phones. I understand how Jesus must have felt. To those out there, know that Jesus is the truth, our Father and only Saviour. Thank you for your devotion, first time in my life that i go public with this.

    3. I'm so sorry for your situation. It must be incredibly hard to have your family cut you off. I'm so glad God has provided you with other "family." I pray you will continue to feel God's comfort and peace and continue to walk closely to Him. God bless you.

  19. Well - it's been my experience that a lot of so called christians/church goers are the ones who end up being like the ones the bible says to stay away from - nice in front of you & talk about you behind your back (ESPECIALLY the women & those who are supposed leaders in a church) ... men supposedly in high accord in a church come on to you too... I truly understand what everyone says ... men are men but have the misconception that their penis is what satisfies a women & finally had to tell them it definitely isn't what satisfies a woman ... I so am enjoying being on my own after having been married twice & now retired... and yes - God does hear everything you pray about & knows everything you go through ... God bless each & every one of you.

    1. Hilda,
      I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences, but your experiences do not reflect Christians as a whole.

      Because my husband's job caused us to move every few years, I have been an active part of over 20 Christian churches in 3 different countries and 9 different states. I have interacted with Christians and non-Christians alike in all of these locations.

      And in my experiences, genuine Christians have more integrity than people who are not Christians.

      Are there bad people in the church? Certainly. But there are far more bad people outside the church.

      People who clump all Christians into negative categories are being either dishonest or they have had extremely narrow experiences in churches that do not represent Christianity as a whole.

      And I would say the same thing about your view of men. Are there bad men. Yes. But there are also very good men. I have been married to one of them for 50 years. And his faith in Jesus has made him a better man.

  20. Hi Gail, I'm dealing with a Christian who speaks of the Lord and his was offend and is active in church and I believe is real in her Christianity but also she is the absolute most negative person to be around at home and is always making someone else feel horrible about them selves and always wants things her way. I have a really hard time understanding how someone who is a Lover of God can be so negative and such a slander. To family in your own home as well. I try to avoid these situations as much as possible but it does get difficult living in the same home. And by no means am I perfect and I continue to work on my own faith and relationship with God everyday I pray all thru the day that God gives me the strength and guidance I need to stay positive and be a better person then I was yesterday I try to grow everyday with each experience he gives me but what can I do about this situation if you try to talk to her your jumping on her. It's impossible to talk to her. and I will continue to pray for her and our family every day. Thank you for your time Ms. Gail.
    Ashley H.

    1. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this person, Ashley. It does seem like God allows some difficult people in our lives at times.

      When they are family members, I believe God wants us to persevere and do our best even if we limit our time with them.

      However, when they are non-family members, we shouldn't feel badly about avoiding lots of contact with them. I don't mean we should treat them unkindly or cut off all contact, but being around negative, critical people all the time isn't healthy as it tends to make us more negative and critical.

      I've prayed for you situation.
      God bless you,

  21. society is secular......and better for it!

    1. Not sure what you are trying to say, but if you are saying that it's better for a society to be atheist, then you don't know your history. Communism is our greatest modern example.

      Muslim and Hindu cultures tend to abuse people.
      Atheist cultures tend to abuse people.
      Christian cultures are imperfect, but they bring more equity and good than any secular or pagan culture.

      As I said, check out your history. Look at the treatment of people in Communist, Muslim, and Hindu cultures and compare it with Christian cultures. Your statement is false.

  22. Is it judging by saying don't imatate people who quote scriptures on FB but don't live them in Real life??

    1. If you are judging people who you don't know without verified facts, then it's hearsay or slander.

      If you are judging people according to the facts, then it's appropriate.

      Judging is an important and necessary part of our lives and God commands us to judge people, not by external things like their looks or wealth or position, but by their behavior, their teachings, and their actions.

      We judge people and situations to protect ourselves from harm and to protect ourselves from false teachings.

    2. Titus called them subverted!

  23. Hello everybody. I am from mauritius, and i asked God this question in my prayer, can a non Christian become my bestie ? Here is the answer, and i wrote this comment just to mention this post come from the holy spirit. Like answers to my prayers. God is real and i love him very much. Jesus is alive and will come again. Glory to holy spirit who continually guides. Much honor, praise and glory to the divine trinity. Amen
