The 10 Most Popular Books of the Bible

Would you like to know which books of the Bible are the most popular with readers? This short devotion shares a brief overview of each popular book. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Gateway statistics reveal these ten most popular (most read) Bible books on their site. 

1. Psalms- Beautiful poetry, praise and thanksgiving ... confusion, sorrow, and anger ... all taken to the Father for comfort and guidance.

2. Matthew - the Gospel emphasizing Christ as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. 

3. John - the Gospel emphasizing Christ's deity, signs, and wonders. 

4. Romans - a theology book woven into a letter to God's people.

Would you like to know which books of the Bible are the most popular with readers? This short devotion shares a brief overview of each popular book. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible5. Proverbs- wise sayings and instructions for godly living.(1) 

6. Genesis- the death of mankind's innocence and the birth of God's plan of redemption. 

7. Luke - the longest Gospel emphasizing God's love and care for all people. 

8. 1 Corinthians - addressing church problems and giving us God's beautiful definition of love. 

9. Isaiah - proclaiming dual fulfillment prophecies (fulfilled both in Isaiah's time and in the life of Christ). 

10. Acts-  Luke's second letter to Theophilus, convincing him of the Gospel message. 

Are any of these your favorite books to read? 

(1) not all are promises (Proverbs Aren't Promises)
Resource: Popular Books Infographic 

Note - This Bible Gateway statistic is based on how often the book is read. Because books vary in size, this isn't altogether a scientific way to discover the most favorite books of the Bible. But the study does reflect a special interest in these 10 books.

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Would you like to know which books of the Bible are the most popular with readers? This short devotion shares a brief overview of each popular book.