The Two Women in Proverbs 9

Proverbs 9 uses figurative language to describe a choice every person on earth must make.

Proverbs 9 personifies wisdom and folly, presenting them as women seeking followers, calling out to people to come to their houses and become their students. This proverb uses figurative language to describe the most important choice we make in life.

God speaks to us in countless ways, drawing us toward His wisdom, love, and salvation (Romans 1:20). He helps us understand what it means to live godly lives, avoiding sinful damage to our hearts. He cherishes those who seek Him and follow Him. 

In contrast, Satan speaks in clever ways (Ephesians 6:11), using false teachers to make his lies seem attractive and righteous (2 Corinthians 11:14-15), blinding his victims to truth so they'll destroy their lives with unbelief and spend eternity in Hell (2 Corinthians 4:4).

In the middle of these descriptions of wisdom and folly, we find one of the most well-known verses in Proverbs: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (verse 10).

Following Christ means understanding the blessing of forgiveness and the comfort of salvation. It means denying sinful desires, opposing cultural lies, and doing things that may make our lives harder here on earth, knowing that an eternity of love and joy awaits us in heaven (John 15:18-25). 

Sadly, most people will choose the broad road of Satan, failing to realize that the fleeting pleasures he offers are eternal poison to their souls (Matthew 7:13-14). 

Let’s never forget the importance of sharing Christ!  


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Proverbs 9 uses figurative language to describe a choice every person on earth must make.

Proverbs 9 uses figurative language to describe a choice every person on earth must make.


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