Half-Truth Deception and a Book!

Half-truths about the Bible effectively deceive and confuse us. This devotion explains the way to protect ourselves.

I warned of Hell (2 Peter 2:4-9). 
A man disagreed, saying none will perish (2 Peter 3:9).

I spoke about the special faith of my friend who is blind.
A woman disagreed, explaining if he had faith he would be healed (Isaiah 53:5).

I explained that we should not think too highly of ourselves (Romans 12:3).
A man disagreed, saying we can't love others if we don't love ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39).

I explained that Christians will be disciplined if we fail to repent when we sin (Revelation 3:19).
A woman disagreed, explaining that there is no condemnation once we are in Christ (Romans 8:1).

I said I was glad that God knows everything about me, even my past sins (Hebrews 4:13).
A woman disagreed, saying when God forgives us, He forgets our sins (Hebrews 8:12).

I talked about the serious nature of certain sins (John 19:11).
A man disagreed, saying all sins are the same in God's eyes (James 2:10).

I explained that churches should not have people on staff who are living ungodly lifestyles (1 Corinthians 5).
A woman disagreed, explaining that Scripture tells us to judge not” (Matthew 7:1).

All of those who disagreed were basing their views on popular half-truths that take Scripture out of context. To avoid these errors, we must correctly handle God's Word, being like the noble Bereans who carefully compared Paul's teachings with the words of Scripture (2 Timothy 2:15; Acts 17:11-12).

The Bible is a complete story, not a single episode. It is a complete message, not a collection of separate truths.


With this background, I'm asking for prayer for my next book: Half-Truths that Many Christians Believe.

The damage caused by these half-truths has deeply concerned me. And earlier this year I received a contract to write a book addressing popular half-truths that have infiltrated the church. I would appreciate it if you would pray for me as I write this book, that I will be able to clearly show what Scripture teaches about things like those mentioned in this devotion as well as many other half-truths. My heart's desire is that God's people will be strengthened. 
My husband and I recently moved, and that has taken a great deal of our time and energy. My manuscript is due March 15th. Please pray for me, that I can get it done in a timely fashion. 
If you would like to join my prayer group for the book, you can send me an email at half.truths@yahoo.com and I will start sending you a once-a-week email with prayer requests and sneak peeks of the book content.

Half-truths about the Bible effectively deceive and confuse us. This devotion explains the way to protect ourselves.

Half-truths about the Bible effectively deceive and confuse us. This devotion explains the way to protect ourselves.


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