A Hardcover Devotional Priced Lower than Most Paperbacks

An affordable Hard-cover devotional based on solid Biblical Wisdom.
Do you desire daily wisdom—the kind of wisdom that can give you peace and comfort, guide your decisions, correct your misunderstandings, and teach you truths that help you mature in your faith? 

Wisdom for Life is designed to offer exactly that, using the Old Testament books of Psalms and Proverbs. 

Easy to fit in any schedule, each of the 100 devotions takes one minute to read. They also offer multiple Scripture references and a bonus “For Further Thought” section so you can dig deeper when you have the time. 

Whether you’re a new student of the Bible or a mature believer, enjoy relevant insights for your daily life and grow in your appreciation for the Psalms and Proverbs in Wisdom for Life

Before you buy, read these two devotions from the book so you can know what to expect.

A Woman of the Word - Devotion or Video

Why Would We Hide It?

Wisdom for Life is priced affordably, and LifewayAmazon, and CBD frequently run sales offering it for 25-50% off!


An affordable Hard-cover devotional based on solid Biblical Wisdom.

An affordable Hard-cover devotional based on solid Biblical Wisdom.





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