God Tests Us but He Never Tricks Us

I once received training that was based on dishonesty. In this devotion I contrast this bad training with God's perfect training.

In Strict Training = Solid Growth I discussed the rigid military training my husband underwent in the early ’70s. During this time, the colonel's wife was also training student wives, teaching us appropriate behavior for when we became officers’ wives. 

She strongly emphasized our need to wear gloves or have them in our purses at formal events where there would be a receiving line. She said gloves weren't necessary unless the commander’s wife wore them, and in that case, it would be insulting to shake her gloved hand with an ungloved hand. 

But she assured us that for the upcoming formal event, she would not be wearing gloves. 

When we entered the receiving line the evening of the formal, guess what? I was glad I had gloves in my purse so I could shake her dishonest gloved hand. 

When I became a Christian a couple of years later, I couldn’t help but compare her method of training to God’s. God’s rules are never arbitrary or meaningless. His commands reflect His perfect character and they’re designed to protect us, not trick us (Psalm 19:7). He’s interested in hearts, not outward displays. He may test us, but he never lies to us (James 1:12). 

His purpose is to strengthen us and give us wisdom to accomplish His purposes in our lives (Ephesians 2:10). 

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17


Another interesting note about this wives' training: It was old army rules that wives' groups no longer practiced, but we didn't know that at the time. It was basically a waste of our time … but it did give me a good analogy for this devotion. 😄

For more on dishonesty, see It's Serious, No Lie

If you own Wisdom for Life, I encourage you to read or reread Day 36 for further insights.

If you haven't purchased Wisdom for Life, check out the great sales on LifewayAmazon, and CBD.

I once received training that was based on dishonesty. In this devotion I contrast this bad training with God's perfect training.

I once received training that was based on dishonesty. In this devotion I contrast this bad training with God's perfect training.



  1. Your wives training goes along with 2 Timothy 4:2 just like you were prepared with your gloves, we as Christians should be prepared to speak to the goodness of our God. It's not always favorable or easy but being prepared is what we are called to. Just like having gloves in our bag, so we should be prepared to speak up for our Lord. Not that He needs us but gives us the opportunity. Your commanders wife may have lied to you but you showed yourself prepared.

    1. Thanks, Glen. I like your analogy of always being prepared to speak up for God!
