Why Secular Businesses are Hiring Praise Teams

Some crazy things are happening because of our emphasis on self-esteem. This 1-minute devotion addresses one of them from a Biblical perspective.

Did you know that some businesses are hiring 'praise teams'? 

No, they aren't seeking to praise God. They're simply trying to meet Gen Y’s demand for constant approval and admiration. These companies have discovered that young employees only do well when fed a continual diet of kudos.  

Talking about "the phenomenon of unearned applause in the workplace," Jeffrey Zaslow, columnist for the Wall Street Journal explains "that bosses are feeling the need to bestow lavish praise on young adults as a generation defined by parental stroking enters the workplace."(Source)

For over 50 years, the self-esteem movement has influenced parents to feed their children a diet of constant praise. Self-esteem has replaced self-control, and self-affirmation has replaced honest evaluation and correction.

And the problem isn't exclusively generational. All of us focus on self-esteem more than we should.

So what does Scripture teach us?

"Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you." Romans 12:3

So let's be honest about our strengths and weaknesses in regard to those things which matter to our Lord. And let's focus on esteeming God, not self.

I encourage you to check out the Biblical Self-Esteem collection of devotions, especially 6 Ways the Self-Esteem Movement Contradicts Scripture.

Some crazy things are happening because of our emphasis on self-esteem. This 1-minute devotion addresses one of them from a Biblical perspective.

Some crazy things are happening because of our emphasis on self-esteem. This 1-minute devotion addresses one of them from a Biblical perspective.

Some crazy things are happening because of our emphasis on self-esteem. This 1-minute devotion addresses one of them from a Biblical perspective.


  1. How wonderful are HIs ways! This morning ours mall group ( I still prefer Sunday school) we discussed todays "convenient Christianity"..Even in some of todays churches there is a welfare Gospel. Thank you for speaking out as you do and know that I am holding you up in prayer.

    1. Yes, Regena, "convenient Christianity" is a good way to put it.
      And thanks so much for your prayers. They mean so much.
      Gail : )
