What It Means to Be a "Side X" Christian

This 1-minute devotion explains what it means to be a "Side-X" Christian and why it's extremely important.

Please read the introduction to this series: 
Which Side Are You On: A, B, X, or Y?

Our loving Savior tells us we’ll face persecution and hardship if we truly follow Him (John 15:18-19; John 16:33). 

We accept this difficulty because we understand what Christ has done for us and we're eternally grateful (Romans 12:1-2). 

One of the most relevant ways we show our love and faithfulness is by holding tightly to the principles and commands in Scripture even when they are mocked, denied, and called hateful by culture.  

A major area where we currently see God’s principles mocked is in the area of love, sex, gender, and marriage in regard to the promotion of LGBTQ lifestyles. 

We stand firm in our trust for God’s design and God’s commands, rejecting what He rejects and accepting what He accepts. We do this knowing His commands are best for our body, soul, and spirit. Ignoring or compromising God’s principles is an act of betrayal to our Lord, an act of unfaithfulness, and it's also foolish (Luke 9:26).  

When “Side A, B, and Y Christians” adjust God’s commands to fit their human understanding, they mock those of us who stand firm.

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31  

Whenever you feel pressured to conform to culture, recite Romans 8:31 and stand firm! 

See Three Things that Helped David Stand Firm.

This 1-minute devotion explains what it means to be a "Side-X" Christian and why it's extremely important.

Bible Love Notes

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