
A Great Read!!

Dear Readers:

Today's devotion is worth reading:

Read it HERE.

Why am I sharing it this way?

Because social media has an agenda, and the subject of today's devotion doesn't fit that agenda. I have purposely avoided certain words in describing these posts.

So I am trying to get the Word out by being both shrewd and innocent as described in Scripture:

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16

Christians are facing increasing censorship as the world celebrates evil practices that break God's heart.

 ~ Gail

Below are other Bible Love Notes devotions about this subject that is being increasingly marginalized, misrepresented, and censored. I encourage you to read each one of the devotions below so you are better able to speak up for life.  

This subject it is clearly addressed in Scripture. God is not silent or vague when it comes to this important subject. 

 Walking, Standing, and Finally Sitting
Psalm 1 talks about the power of evil in our lives and how we can stand firm. This short devotion uses a fitting analogy to help us understand modern attitudes toward life.

Would you have supported slavery if you'd lived when it was legal? I hope not! But you can be sure of this: if you justify certain things in our present culture, you would have justified slavery. If you don't agree, I challenge you to read this full devotion carefully and prayerfully. 

Manipulative Ideologies
Sometimes the word "choice" is used deceptively. It's about manipulation, not choice. Let's make sure that we avoid the world's manipulative ideologies and get our facts from God's Word. 

This 1-minute devotion describes a serious modern sin, offering prayer for mothers and fathers who need God's forgiveness.

Things are very different from the way they are presented by modern culture. 

Ungodly Amusement
This 1-minute devotion talks about an example of humor based on ungodly practices, things which grieve the heart of God.

The death of Judge Ginsburg is a good reminder to consider the things that characterize our lives. Nothing shared about the judge in this devotion is slandering. In fact, she was proud of each thing mentioned in this devotion. It's not a political devotion. It's merely a statement of facts viewed in light of Scripture.

This devotion is a review of a podcast put out by Phil Visher's ministry. Phil is the creator of VeggieTales, but his advice in this video is no laughing matter. I review it because it is a good example of compromising innocent lives for less important gains.

When people argue against the truth, they come up with some strange arguments. This new argument is insulting and indefensible. 

You can detect a false teaching when it is based on a single Old Testament law that is taken out of context and misquoted. This false teaching misuses Exodus 21:22 to justify a modern sin.

Beware of the deceptive rhetoric used by activists. Realize how much it resembles rhetoric supporting slavery.

Beware of the "scare tactics" Satan uses to advance his ungodly goals. This 1-minute devotion explains.  
At age 71, I want to thank my momma for life and LIFE. Please take a moment and let me explain in this short devotion. 

Some wonderful truths about God's love for us before we even saw the light of day. 

This short devotion addresses one of the modern excuses for murder. 

It's so important to understand that culture approves things that are ungodly and destructive.

Romans 1:16-32 talks about the increase in wickedness and tells us something about the unsaved world. This 1-minute devotion explains.

We must graciously and firmly correct these two excuses supporting sin.

Beware of Satan's popular lies. This 1-minute devotion offers four pertinent examples.

Each person makes this choice and it's a life-changing decision. In fact, it's a life-and-death decision.

This short devotion starts with the fact that doctors once thought there was no reason to wash their hands when examining multiple patients, and it shares other areas where majority opinion is deadly.

A foster-care worker tried to defend a sinful practice, but in the process, he revealed the practice deserved absolutely no support! 

This 1-minute devotion explains some facts that should put every Christian on our knees praying that God will forgive our nation and restore us to humane treatment of all people.


Psalms and Proverbs contain important passages about abortion, and you'll find some of those referenced in the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for LifeTo find out where you can order it in the UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and the Philippines, see It's Not for the Money.

You can also add some more of God's Word to your schedule by having a 1-minute devotion like this one delivered to your email each weekday. Sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet. Find out more HERE.


Modern culture requires Christians to be innocent but shrewd and that's the purpose of this devotion.

Modern culture requires Christians to be innocent but shrewd and that's the purpose of this devotion.

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