Guess Where People Are Now Being Arrested for Silent Prayer

You can now be arrested for prayer and denied certain jobs in two countries that once prided themselves on freedom. This devotion explains.

Scripture tells us that we can’t always identify genuine believers from nominal believers (i.e., believers in name only, Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 13:24-30). 

But our current world culture is weeding out the false Christians among us by forcing people to choose between culture and God, between acceptance or persecution. 

✔ In the U.K. silent prayer is prohibited within 150 meters of an abortion clinic. Yes! The law not only prohibits spoken words that are pro-life, it prohibits unspoken words. And several people have been arrested for admitting they were praying silently even though they did nothing else illegal! (Washington Stand

Closer to home, a school district in Phoenix, Arizona, has publicly stated that it will no longer accept student teachers from Arizona Christian University. They've had no problems with teachers from that university, but they don't want anyone teaching at their schools who comes from a university that “defines traditional sexual morality and lifelong marriage as being between one man and one woman.” (The Briefing)

In Acts 4 Peter and John were arrested and commanded not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, ‘Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard’ ” (verses 18-20).

Our race is getting faster and harder, dear Christians, but we know whom we must obey.


For more encouragement to stand firm, see:

Please Don't Cower on the Sidelines

God's Remnant People

Intolerance Toward Christians


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You can now be arrested for prayer and denied certain jobs in two countries that once prided themselves on freedom. This devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes

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