#4: Blessed are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

Do you understand the full meaning of the beatitude that talks about hungering for righteousness? This 1-minute devotion explains its meaning. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

"Blessed are those who hunger 
and thirst for righteousness, 
for they will be filled." 

Think of the time you were the thirstiest and the time you were hungriest, and combine those feelings to understand the metaphor in this beatitude. 

Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness have a desperate longing to live according to God’s principles.

They don’t excuse or accept their little sins. They repent genuinely, honestly, and thoroughly, without excuse. 

In relationships, they look for their blame even if it’s less than the other person’s blame.

They refuse “junk-food Christianity” and the artificial flavors of culture. 

They are desperate to know what is right, so they depend on God’s Word as if it were their daily bread (Matthew 4:4). They thirst for time with Jesus, knowing that He alone can give them living water to refresh their souls (John 4:14).

Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness? If so, you will be more than satisfied. You will be filled, renewed, refreshed, and strengthened! 

For more on "soul food" check out these 1-minute devotions:
Vibrant, Healthy Christians Eat Right
4 Ingredients in Spiritual Junk Food 
Whole Food Gospel 
How to Avoid Spiritual Spam  
The Results of a Sugary Gospel

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Do you understand the full meaning of the beatitude that talks about hungering for righteousness? This 1-minute devotion explains its meaning. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

Bible Love Notes

Do you understand the full meaning of the beatitude that talks about hungering for righteousness? This 1-minute devotion explains its meaning.

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