Servant Evangelists

Dorcas is a wonderful example of a unique method of evangelism. God called special attention to her ministry in Acts 9.

Bold evangelists typically get the most attention, but there are evangelists who live their faith by quietly serving others.

Dorcas is a wonderful example (Acts 9:36-43)

She wasn't in the forefront. Instead, she put her faith to work behind-the-scenes, doing good deeds and helping the poor.

Acts 9 gives us an interesting view of her ministry by letting us "attend" her funeral where a group of poor widows gather to mourn her death. They bring with them articles of clothing Dorcas has made to help them

But it gets even more interesting: Dorcas speaks at her own funeral because God uses Peter to breathe life back into her dead body. God obviously wanted to call attention to this behind-the-scenes servant evangelist.

If you're a servant evangelist, don't underestimate your contribution to the church, even if it goes unnoticed. Continue to serve others, taking advantage of opportunities to share the Lord with those you serve. 

"Real Evangelism" has many different faces. We've talked about jumpers, apologists, name droppers, and servants. But these are not the only possibilities. We serve a creative God and He's designed specific purposes for each of us (Ephesians 2:10).

You may be a mixture of these styles, or you may have a style that fits none of these categories. Whatever your style, I encourage you to use it for Jesus!


For more insights on behind-the-scenes ministry, see Andrew—A Behind-the-Scenes Christian

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Dorcas is a wonderful example of a unique method of evangelism. God called special attention to her ministry in Acts 9.