God's Design: Love Hormone

God is such an incredible designer....so many little details that make our lives better. Oxytocin for example.

Oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone,” has a number of positive effects. 

Some studies show that besides its well-known functions in breastfeeding, childbirth, and sexual intimacy it:
  • Increases generosity, empathy, and trust.
  • Reduces fear, stress, depression, and physical pain.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Improves sleep.
  • Helps us bond with others.
  • It may even decrease our tolerance for addictive drugs.
Oxytocin is released into our bodies in a number of ways. Mothers get strong doses of it during childbirth and breastfeeding, and it’s even released when we interact with our family dog (read more). 

In our marriage relationship, it’s released through physical touch as well as sexual intimacy. Oxytocin is one reason experts recommend a healthy sex life for married couples. It’s good for our physical heart health and our emotional heart health.

I am fascinated by the complex, specific ways God has created our bodies for love, marriage, and parenthood. Oxytocin is not an accident of evolution but a part of God’s intelligent, loving design.

As we seek to follow God’s plan and purpose for our marriages, it’s encouraging to know He’s already prepared so many details to give us proper physical and emotional attitudes toward our spouse.

“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us” 1 John 3:1

Sources: 10 Surprising Benefits of Sex;  Med Terms, and 11 Interesting Effects of Oxytocin  

This is one of my weekly marriage posts, but my home page is devoted to 1-Minute devotions to add an "espresso shot of Scripture to your morning latte." Please sign up for a free subscription HERE. And check out my other Marriage Posts HERE. Thanks, Gail 


God is such an incredible designer....so many little details that make our lives better. Oxytocin for example.

 Bible Love Notes


  1. Isn't that so awesome? What an amazing God we have! We're neighbors today at Yes They're All Ours ;) Blessings! simplyhelpinghim.com

  2. I recently read a book that was talking about all the benefits of Oxytocin, pretty interesting. :)
    I would love for you to share this at Matrimonial Mondays on my blog. (yes I know it's Tuesday lol)

  3. Great post, Gail. This really is interesting and makes me want to learn more!! Thanks so much for sharing this on WholeHearted Home this week.
