Jesus in Every New Testament Book

A wonderful list of the ways Jesus shines in the message of each New Testament Book!

Because Christ is
God’s message to us (Hebrews 1:1-3), different aspects of His character are highlighted in each New Testament book! I compiled the list below from several different non-copyrighted lists.


In Matthew—the fulfillment of all O.T. prophecies 
See Precious Predictions of Christ.

Mark—the miracle worker, the Servant

Luke—the Son of Man Who understands what we feel 

John—the Son of God, the Word
See Make Sure You Know the Passages that Confirm Christ's Deity.

Acts—ascended Lord and giver of the Spirit

Romans—the justifier and the righteousness of God

1 Corinthiansthe God of all comfort
2 Corinthians—our righteousness

Galatians—our Redeemer from the curse

Ephesians—head of the church

Philippians—supplier of our every need

Colossians—the fullness of the Godhead

1,2 Thessalonians—the soon and coming King

1,2 Timothy—the Mediator between God & man

Titus—the truth

Philemon—the benefactor

Hebrews—the blood that covers sins

James—our pattern of faith and Great Physician

1,2 Peter—the Great Shepherd

1,2,3, John—everlasting love

Jude—the foundation of our faith

Revelation—Alpha & Omega, Beginning & End, King of kings and Lord of lords!  The One Who is coming again!

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A wonderful list of the ways Jesus shines in the message of each New Testament Book!

A wonderful list of the ways Jesus shines in the message of each New Testament Book!

A wonderful list of the ways Jesus shines in the message of each New Testament Book!



  1. Thanks , the new testament is so encouraging. I love every word.

  2. Thank you for this info about Jesus in every book in the new testament. I will be giving this to everyone I know.
