How can we respond to these criticisms?
God still expect us to offer sacrifices or go through special cleansing
ceremonies? Does eating pork or shrimp displease God? How do we know
what applies to us today?
First, we need to realize that the Old Testament prepares us for the coming of Christ, and certain laws were temporary.
But how do we determine which apply to us today and which don't?
There are complex theological answers to this question, but we don't need a seminary degree to understand the differences.
✔ Some Old Testament laws were civil laws given to the nation of Israel at a particular time in history. They don't apply to us.
✔ The sacrificial, cleansing, dietary, and ceremonial laws were given to symbolize and prepare our hearts for Christ and the New Covenant. Christ's sacrifice fulfilled the requirements for these laws (Hebrews 9 and Hebrews 10). The New Testament offers ample evidence that the dietary laws don't apply to Christians (Matthew 15:11; Acts 10:9-16).
So how do we know if a law is moral and permanent? We just need to answer one question: Is it commanded in the New Testament?
If so, it applies!
New Testament commands are important. They protect us, help us find fulfillment, and help us become more like God. They don't deal with externals like many of the Old Testament laws. They deal with our hearts.
I strongly recommend the following resources:
Why Scripture Refutes The Chosen's "I Am the Law of Moses" Statement. This offers multiple passages explaining that Old Testament laws do not represent the New Covenant in Christ.
Did Jesus Really Say We Must Obey Old Testament Laws?
All or Nothing: Christ's Fulfillment of the Law, explaining the errors of the Hebrew Roots Movement.
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Great post! Thank you.