Brainwashing Can Be Good when God's Word Cleanses Our Minds

"Brainwashing" is usually a negative thing. But the Bible cleanses our minds in a positive way, scrubbing away error and replacing it with truth!

Brainwashing is a negative term that normally means deceiving a person or forcing them to believe things that aren't true. 

But I'd like to put a positive spin on the word because it's what we all need spiritually. Instead of being deceived, we need to overcome the deception in and around us.

Our fallen human thinking needs to be "washed"—cleansed of soiled thoughts, grimy attitudes, dirty doubts, and filthy fears. 

We cleanse our minds and spirits through reading and studying God's Word and letting His truth remove our corrupted thoughts and desires (Ephesians 4:22-24).

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will" (Romans 12:2).

When we let God's Word "brainwash" us, we can:

  1. Tell ourselves the truth
  2. Avoid negative thoughts
  3. Forget past offenses 
  4. Deal with adversity
  5. Overcome discouragement
  6. Count our blessings
  7. Gain a gratitude attitude

    Each of the numbered points above is a link to a one-minute devotion.

    Why not read each of the devotions above and then do the Bite Size Bible Study Bible Brainwashing.

    Biblical, concise, affordable devotional
    💙 Be sure to check out the Bible Love Notes devotional Wisdom for Life. It's discounted on LifewayAmazon, and CBD

    And you can also sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes one-minute devotions HERE.

    "Brainwashing" is usually a negative thing. But the Bible cleanses our minds in a positive way, scrubbing away error and replacing it with truth!

    Bible Love Notes


    1. Blessed day!

      I pray this clarifies my question which i've been telling family, but i need your spiritual advice:

      What do you call the usual "Church's Mission and Vision + Mission" that tge congregation repeat and required to memorize before a video sermon is played?

      1. I'm sorry Cassandro,
        I don't understand your question. I'm not familiar with this statement and I'm not familiar with the tge congregation. If you give me a little more info, maybe I can find an answer for you. What does tge stand for? Is this a denomination?
