When We Speak Satan's Language Things Get "Lost in Translation"

This excuse for sin is a new one to me, but it provides such an important lesson about whose language we're speaking.

A man once emailed me, accusing me of sharing a half-truth story on Bible Love Notes. He suggested I was intentionally seeking to falsely accuse a Christian leader.

The thing is, I hadn't written the story he accused me of writing. He must have read it somewhere else and got his source mixed up.

When I explained, he made no apology. Instead, he excused his rude accusation, saying things were simply “lost in translation.” 

It wasn't the first time I'd heard someone excuse their sins, but it was the first time I'd heard that unique excuse. 

And I realized he was right! 
Even though we were both English-speakers, he was letting Satan translate. And when that happens, false accusations prevail and honest repentance is lost in translation. 

Satan hates humble repentance because it's a key to Christian maturity and a safeguard against pride. And I'm sure he enjoyed the hypocrisy of this man's accusation: he falsely accused me of falsely accusing someone.
This passage is one we should periodically read and remember:

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.  1 John 1:8-10 

Satan loves to speak our language. Let’s not speak his.


I also encourage you to read these one-minute devotions about ways we sometimes deflect our sins: 
Forgive Me or Else: He Didn't Genuinely Apologize for His Affair

Note: When I had an opportunity to admit a genuine error in one of my posts (Beware of the IF Gathering for Women), I didn't want to claim my error was lost in translation. 

I didn't want to claim my error was “lost in translation.”

I didn't want to claim my error was “lost in translation.”


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