One Compromise and Then Another and Then Another...

This devotion explains what happens when professing Christians compromise God's truth and it offers the solution.

Compromise kills faith. 

In the Old Testament God’s people were always trying to combine God’s commands with pagan practices. They didn’t start by sacrificing their children to pagan gods, but one compromise led to another and then another and eventually they justified child sacrifice. Does this make you think of something our culture has justified?

The book of Judges offers a glimpse of such compromise when the people “did whatever seemed right in their own eyes” (Judges 17:6, 21:25).  

This describes our modern culture as well. In the last few years, I've seen professing Christians compromise God's commands in countless little ways. They start with one small compromise, but it never stops there.

Scripture warns us about such times in history when professing Christians “no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching.” Instead, they “follow their own desires” and “look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear” (2 Timothy 4:1-5).  
What are your ears itching to hear, dear reader? I hope they are itching to hear the full and accurate gospel.

We must not underestimate the size of the spiritual battle we face and we must not underestimate the importance of reading, studying, sharing, and defending God's Word.
Take time today to ask God if there are any areas where you are compromising biblical principles. If He reveals something, seek His help to fully repent and return to the truth. 

To read about a time when I had to repent of compromise, see God Wins All Wrestling Matches.

This devotion explains what happens when professing Christians compromise God's truth and it offers the solution.

This devotion explains what happens when professing Christians compromise God's truth and it offers the solution.

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