Who's Directing Your Life: God or The Chosen?

Is it blasphemy to promote false religions? Should we trust someone who does? Can that person correctly share the gospel?

One reason Mormon influence has expanded the last few years is because they have an extremely influential advocate: Dallas Jenkins, the creator of The Chosen. (See LDS Doctrine.)

He has publicly proclaimed that working with Mormons convinced him they worship the same Jesus as evangelicals, and he doesn’t care if people call him a blasphemer for saying so. He even joked about scripting The Chosen Christ to look down from the cross and wink at Joseph Smith.
(See Dallas Jenkins Explains)

Besides promoting this cult that misleads millions, Jenkins has defended gay pride symbols and praised ungodly R-rated movies. He's written scenes in his mini-series that contradict Scripture and he specifically chose a gay-affirming band to compose The Chosen music. (See Dallas Jenkins Explains, and The Chosen's Gay Pride Compromise).

Yet millions of professing Christians are praising Jenkins and defending The Chosen, instead of defending God's Word. This willingness to mix truth with error has destroyed God's people throughout history. How often the Israelites lost their faith by combining it with pagan lies. 

The purity of our beliefs is critical (2 Corinthians 6:14-19), and things like The Chosen test our loyalties.
Every day we make choices, choosing whom we will serve (Joshua 24:14-15). 

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. Ephesians 5:6-7


Why is this issue important to me?  

✔ Because millions of people are trusting Jenkins to accurately portray the gospel despite his false beliefs. 

✔ Because Chosen fans have shown overwhelming contempt for those who criticize the show even if they have adequate proof that it features something that isn't biblically accurate. 
✔ Because some solid Bible teachers known for fearlessly addressing Scriptural errors are afraid to address something as popular as The Chosen. In fact, I've never heard Jenkins interviewed by anyone who challenged his false views.

✔ Because Chosen fans are misusing multiple Scriptures in order to justify Jenkins' errors. To understand two ways they've defended the "I Am the Law of Moses" statement, see Why Scripture Refutes It or watch my video explanation HERE.

✔ Because of Jenkins' attitude when someone brings his attention to a biblical contradiction: see Jenkins' Increasing Disrespect for God's Word, a 2-minute video about Jenkins' most recent rewrite of Scripture.

✔ Because I've heard people reference fictional situations in The Chosen as if they were in the Bible. I once attended a Bible study where The Chosen was referenced 4 times in an hour.
✔ Because The Chosen has become an idol for many, damaging their discernment and preparing them for greater deception. 

✔ Because we keep hearing unsubstantiated claims that The Chosen is converting millions of people and inspiring Christians to read their Bibles. If millions were inspired with true faith why are so few people calling Jenkins to account for his views about Mormons, his defense of gay pride, and elements in The Chosen that contradict God's Word? 

✔ Because half-truths are more effective in deceiving people that blatant lies, and The Chosen fits that description because they share some great biblical content as well as some biblically false content. 

✔ Because I'm grieved for the Mormons and others who've accepted Jenkins's lie about the LDS Jesus instead of seeking the true and living God. If Jenkins spent 30 minutes researching Mormonism, he’d discover that the LDS church worships a very different Jesus and a very different gospel.

For more encouragement to make the right choice, see Jesus Didn't Fulfill Himself and The Integrity and Humility of John the Baptist. And check out other pertinent devotions about The Chosen in the collection called Are You Willing to Address Scriptural Contradictions in The Chosen?

Is it blasphemy to promote false religions? Should we trust someone who does? Can that person correctly share the gospel?

Is it blasphemy to promote false religions? Should we trust someone who does? Can that person correctly share the gospel?

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