The Motive Behind Evolution

This 1-minute devotion explains why evolution is more of an ideology than a scientific belief. #Creation #Bible

I recently heard that a major evangelical Christian magazine editor believes evolution and Christianity are compatible.

Despite the fact that science treats it like a fact, evolution is a theory with some serious scientific flaws. 

It's one of the many human attempts to deny God as Creator (2 Peter 3:3-5). 

Without a Creator, man is nothing more than a highly evolved animal without any specific sexual design or spiritual responsibilities. Right and wrong are merely opinions. 

The passion with which intelligent people embrace this flawed theory as fact is another sign that its acceptance is ideologically motivated, not scientifically motivated.(1) 

When Christians try to blend evolution and the gospel, they lose key elements of both (Colossians 2:8).  

"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." Hebrews 11:3 

Let's never doubt that our perfect Creator created things perfectly and sin messed things up (Genesis 1:31; Genesis 3:17-19; Romans 8:19-23).(2) 

(1) To see the dogmatic pressures placed on anyone who disagrees with the theory of evolution, read: To Challenge Darwinism Is to “Take Your Life in Your Hands.”    

For more on the contradictions between evolution and the gospel, see: 
Creation and Evolution Don't Mix  
Popular Evolution, Unpopular Creation  
Evolution is a Faith-based Belief 
4 Reasons Evolution Never Happened  
See also:
Creation and the Curse
Can Christians Believe in Evolution? 

(2) Please imagine that you are a skilled seamstress who can sew a beautiful dress in three hours. But before making this dress, you decide to take hundreds of hours making dresses that fall apart, look terrible, and/or don't fit properly. You purposely mismatch designs and choose inferior fabrics. Most of what you create is only fit for the trash. You don't do this because you lack skill, nor are you trying to teach a lesson because no one is around. You do this simply for your pleasure. Would anyone say what you've done is wise or good? 

Believing God used evolution to create is worse than this scenario because evolution not only involves wasted time and resources—it involves unnecessary pain, suffering, and death.

This 1-minute devotion explains why evolution is more of an ideology than a scientific belief. #Creation #Bible

Bible Love Notes

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