Short List Repentance

Studying Saul and David's ways of repenting helps us evaluate our own patterns of repentance. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #repentance

When we add excuses and justifications to an apology, we hit the delete button.

And our excuses usually keep us from seeing our need to change.

We have two stellar examples in Scripture.

King Saul disobeyed God's orders (1 Samuel 15). 

When Samuel confronted him:
1. Saul claimed he'd obeyed (13).
2. Blame-shifted his responsibility to others (15).
3. Explained how he'd "mostly" obeyed (15).
4. Claimed he obeyed in a statement that proved he hadn't (3*, 20-21).
5. Blame-shifted and claimed they'd disobeyed God in order to honor God (21)!
6. Finally agreed he'd sinned, but explained why (24).
7. Wanted to be honored while he publicly pretended to respect God (30).

The second example is David (2 Samuel 11-12). 

When Nathan confronted David:
1. David admitted his sin without qualification or excuse (12:13).
2. Sorrowfully confessed and repented (Psalm 51).

No wonder God rejected Saul, but continued to use David as a godly example (2 Kings 14:3; 2 Kings 16:2).

Let's learn from David's "short list" example.

* If you are troubled by God's command in this passage, please read: Why Did God Destroy Entire Nations?

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Studying Saul and David's ways of repenting helps us evaluate our own patterns of repentance.


  1. I've reaped benefits from this email for a long time.I'm sorry I haven't said Thank You before now.
    What powerful moments for my day & my life when one of these Short Notes illuminates something in my life.Can't believe it doesn't happen Daily for people all over the world..THANK YOU.

  2. Thank you for the Bible love notes. I have learnt a lot from them

  3. Dear friends,

    I have never seen such True explanation of the Bible as this. There is a lot of perversion of many scriptures taking Saul's example rather than David's!
    Praise be to the Lord for this gift to all of us!

    God bless you, and thank you for this teaching of the Truth
