Are You Sure You Aren't Religious?

We modern Christians are proud to say we have a relationship with Jesus, not an empty religion. This 1-minute devotion encourages us to honestly evaluate that claim. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Modern Christians are quick to say we have a relationship, not simply a religion.

Even though religion isn't necessarily a bad word, we associate it with rituals and formulas, not love and relationship.(1) 

But do we truly understand the difference? 

Much of it has to do with motivation.

Religion is about manipulating God, not following Him. The motive is earning health, wealth, comfort, or happiness.

Religion says: "Obey God's commands and I'll get what I deserve."

Love says: "Obey God's commands because that's what He deserves" (Psalm 103).

Religion says: "If I do this for God, He'll do this for me."(2)

Love says: "I want to do this for God because I love Him" (Philippians 3:7-8).

Religion says: "God has let me down. I did what He said and things aren't going well."

Love says: "I don't understand why this is happening, but I'm trusting Jesus anyway" (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
(1) The word "religion" is used both positively (James 1:27) and negatively in Scripture (Acts 17:22; 2 timothy 3:5). However, modern Christians typically associate the word with an outward, shallow, legalistic belief system versus a faith built on Biblical principles and motives. That is how it is used in this devotion.
(2) Name-it-claim-it is one of the manipulative religions popular in the modern church. It's laced with superstition: "If I say I'm sick, I'll be sick. If I say I'm well, I'll be well. If I pray a certain way and talk a certain way, I'll be healthy and wealthy." (See the Power and Limit of Words.) And it's based on eternal promises, not earthly promises (see Future Promises). 

We modern Christians are proud to say we have a relationship with Jesus, not an empty religion. This 1-minute devotion encourages us to honestly evaluate that claim. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible


  1. Love is a choice. There are times when I wonder if I chose to do a deed because I love God or if I do it out of a sense of obligation, "have to". Just the musing of my mind.

    1. Good "musing," Carol. I think we all need to examine our motives from time to time. I know I do. :)

  2. Often I feel uncomfortable with the "claim it because it is promised to us" theory. I feel like I can pray for it, but only if it's in Gods plan or will can it come to pass. Am I wrong
