No Shades of Grey

There is an increasing acceptance of pornography even among Christians. This 1-minute devotion explains the damage done by ungodly entertainment.

In 2012 everyone was talking about Fifty Shades of Grey, which became the best selling book of the decade. Sadly, it glorified abusive, sadomasochistic sex.

Despite the fact that such books lead to actual violence against women (Los Angeles Times), this book was wildly popular with women and was dubbed "mommy-porn." 

That was more than a decade ago, and since then our culture has moved further and further into darkness. And it's not just non-believers. We're seeing "shades of gray" in our churches as many professing believers move away from the light of Christ and into the gray hues of culture.

Every time we choose reading materials, music, television shows, or friendships, we follow the light or move into the shadows.

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." Galatians 6:7-8

So let's glorify God, enjoying sexual pleasure within the context of love and marriage, as God designed it…not as man has perverted it. And let's fill our minds with God's light, not culture's shades of gray.

These verses can help:

Find additional insights in these one-minute devotions:

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There is an increasing acceptance of pornography even among Christians. This 1-minute devotion explains the damage done by ungodly entertainment.

There is an increasing acceptance of pornography even among Christians. This 1-minute devotion explains the damage done by ungodly entertainment.

There is an increasing acceptance of pornography even among Christians. This 1-minute devotion explains the damage done by ungodly entertainment.



  1. Great article. Superb bible verses. Thank you so much

  2. I am so happy to see this post. I often get criticized for going against this book and movie, but God's opinion is so much more important. It seems like I can't get away from it anymore. Even Ellen DeGeneres talks about it on her show day after day, which makes me sad because the show used to be good, clean humor. We need to start paying attention to better forms of entertainment.

    1. What can one expect from a person who is sexually immoral?

  3. "Be not conformed to this world." I love your article!

  4. I have not read this book but I have read so much negative reactions from many women.
    I am grateful for this insight.

    I guess I will not venture into purchasing let alone reading the book.

    God Bless and thanks for sharing at the link up.

    1. It's horrible written. I couldn't pass the first page. It's BAD literature.

  5. I am thankful to read such negative reviews and comments on this book/movie. I have not, and will not, read or watch such... and I have been shocked and very disappointed that this is even a needed rebuke for people in general... and especially for Christian women who should know better. Thank you for writing this.

    1. I agree with you. I will not read or watch this stuff. I was surprised to find out Christian women are.

  6. Thank you for this. I have been going through much weariness after warning a woman who asked me to mentor her about this movie.
    She informed me she had read all the books and that it was a rescue love story. It went ugly fast.
    The backlash was huge and I really began to believe her -she was telling me I was I was judging her, when really it was out of love. I warned her about the movie and what it would plant in her.
    She not only ' unmentored ' me, but also unfriended me. And dragged several other new believers into the field to hate me too. Tough stuff.
    Clinging to God and asking for strength to continue to speak the truth in love.(even when you know it can lead to persecution.)

    1. I'm glad you stood firm, Kimmie.
      I'm sorry that this other woman is deceived by this movie/books.
      and I'm sorry you were persecuted for it.
      You did the right thing.
      The right thing is often the hard thing.

    2. You did the right thing Kimmie!! I wouldn't worry to much about her. You tried your best and she didn't want to listen to you and now she befriended you and a couple other people, but that's her fault and not yours!!! There's better people out there than her! You'll find some more friends, and just keep pushing and foin forward with urself and church, and GOD/JESUS!! Everything should go well for you and take ur time, Sincerely Kevin.

  7. Is people like you the world need to be saved. Someone who will tell the truth as it is.
    Thanks for educating and rebuking us on this. Pornography is a strong hold to one's life that destroyes completely.
    God bless you

  8. A friend received the book from her daughter in Australia as a gift .... she was horrified when she opened the book. Her daughter apologized as she had no idea of the content. We can be so fooled by a cover.

  9. It's absolutely true.Your body is the temple of God so you must keep it neat and clean. No one can afford to mutilate it and then seek God's grace for any reason especially when there is a need for children's good health and success.A pornography lover cannot have her prayers answered until a proper confession is made so why watch things for which we have to make confessions? A good mother has a duty to keep the house clean so that the Holy Spirit resides there and stands beside the members of that house in all circumstances.So take care of the real power without which every move made to ensure the prosperity of the family is likely to go in vain.Thanks for decision of not watching vulgar movies and images.

  10. It is shocking that even some apparent Christians would read such books. Indeed, no shades of gray from God, His Word is very clear.

  11. Considering the publicity concerning this book there can be no excuse or justifiable explanation why a christian woman would choose to read it. It is well known that pornography is ripping families and marriages apart. It is an addiction which is causing the breakdown of marriages, children to lose their homes and spiralling debt.It has been reported this week that a large proportion of pornographic images are posted by young children on social media. Is this the message we are sending to our young children , this is what you are worth?!

  12. Thank you Gail. If this opens the eyes of those professing to be Godly wives, it will be worth losing friends. God Bless You.
