Good News Casting Means Checking the Facts

This error by a newscaster is a good illustration of what causes us to forget the truth and repeat errors.

It's important to get our facts straight and it's important to get our Scriptures straight...

NBC News anchor Brian Williams claimed he was in a helicopter forced down by enemy fire in Iraq in 2003. Crew members of that helicopter refuted his story and he recanted. 

He originally reported the truth--that his Chinook arrived safely after the attack. But over the years, his story changed.

If it were truly a memory problem, as Williams claimed, there would have been an easy solution. 

He could have checked his original report for facts instead of sharing his fictional account.

We Christians can also get fact and fiction confused by taking Bible verses out of context, forgetting cross references that apply, or simply repeating popular Christian sayings without making sure they're accurate.  

God never lies (Numbers 23:19) and He's given us His Word so we can tell the Truth. 

If we look intently into His Word, remembering what it says and acting on it, our words will also prove true (James 1:22-25).

Let's make sure our story lines up with the "original report."

Stars & Stripes story on Williams

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This error by a newscaster is a good illustration of what causes us to forget the truth and repeat errors.


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