The story of the prodigal son helps us understand salvation (Luke 15:11-19).
At the beginning of the story, the prodigal thinks he's worthy of an inheritance he didn't earn, just as many people today think they're worthy of heaven. It wasn't until he came to the end of himself that he understood the truth.
⮞ First, he took responsibility for himself, getting a job instead of expecting handouts (v.15).
We need to take responsibility for our sins without excuses or blame-shifting.
⮞ Second, he realized his poverty (v.16).
We need to realize our spiritual poverty.
⮞ Third, he acknowledged his father's goodness (v.17).
We must recognize God's goodness.
⮞ Fourth, he admitted he'd sinned (v.18).
We must repent of our sins.
⮞ Fifth, he realized he was unworthy to be his father's son (v.19).
We have to realize that without Christ's mercy and grace, we would be unworthy to be members of His family (Romans 3:12; 3:23; 6:23).
The prodigal said: “Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son.” Luke 15:21
When we come to Christ with that same attitude, He does what the father of the prodigal did—He receives us with open arms and makes us His sons and daughters (Romans 3).
I'm a prodigal who returned home. Are you?
indeed i am
ReplyDeleteI too, am a prodigal.
ReplyDelete\\o// We all makes mistake, take responsibility of the decision and blame others or circumstances- That's what God wants us to do !